I've been usign a hybrid of a Pfitzinger/ Hal Higdon plans for my half training. I like that Pfitz incorporates a midweek long run in his plans, but I like Higdon's speed work better. Pfitz's speed work starts off with a lot of hills, but my main running route is already pretty hilly, so I don't think I need quite as much hill training as his plan call for.
I think for my last half that was not mid-marathon-training I used a HH plan but I tacked on a mile or two for warmup and cooldown to almost every run. Basically I just used it as a guideline for distance and then also had a dedicated purpose for each run - speed, recovery, long, usually only one sort of "general aerobic" run per week.
I am thinking so too - but am nervous to commit to a PR since the course is super hilly (one i hate, but i needed something to get me out of my winter slump and start training -and it was $35) and summer