My neck and shoulder are feeling much better because I've really laid off working out. I'm sort of going nuts though. So when I do workout, I keep telling myself these two things: 1. Make it count. 2. Keep moving (whether it be walking, running, jump roping, getting on the trainer, etc).
I still have an appointment with an orthopedist, and I'm still requesting and MRI and an out of network physical therapist that works with endurance athletes, and perhaps clearance for more exercise. I guess I should have been resting several months ago.
I think those are the best goals you can really ask for right now. I really can't imagine the frustration you must feel. How long until you get into the orthopedist?
April 2. It took over a month to get in. All I really want to do is swim, that's my thing. That's what I love to do, but I'm know that if I go, it's just going to hurt more.
April 2. It took over a month to get in. All I really want to do is swim, that's my thing. That's what I love to do, but I'm know that if I go, it's just going to hurt more.
So not too much longer then. I understand the pull of the water on a swimmer, so I really hope you get answers and a plan quickly.
Those are great goals. I'm so sorry you're still dealing with this.
kams I really want to do Whistler again in 2015. I know it's over a year away, but I must, must get better!
I can't wait for your race! You are going to love every second of it!
I'll be anxious to hear what the Ortho says - hopefully that will give you an idea of what a time frame will look like. I imagine you'll be ready to dominate whistler in 15!
and thank you . I'm in the upside of the roller coaster right now - feeling leaps and bounds better than I did a few weeks ago. Hopefully I can ride this wave right in to taper!
I was updating my apps and pulled up my irontrac app, and it still had you in there! I did a little "go Ali!" cheer!