Post by crimewatcher on Jul 11, 2012 16:37:36 GMT -5
I don't pay attention. But if I did prolly. I don't get how that is even an option for women, my face breaks out really badly when I sweat and don't wash it right after a work out.
Maybe? Like if they look like maybe they had done their makeup earlier and came to the gym after doing other things (work, school, etx) I wouldn't judge. Well, I probably wouldn't really judge unless they had on like full out evening makeup or really heavy glitter.
I judge people with no shirts on and girls on tiny itty bitty sports bra and little tiny shorts. I don't want to see that. It's an air conditioned gym! You're not so hot you have to take off all your clothes.
Those five times I've been to a gym in the past three years? Yup. Definitely judge them. It actually irritates me and it's probably my insecurities talking. I go in completely bare faced and most likely with an afro.
However, like Stan, I don't judge their outfits...every time.
But how can you tell who came from work and who got ready for the gym? I wear full makeup and attempt to make my ponytail cute because that's the only thing I can do as a nurse!
Post by definitelyO on Jul 11, 2012 20:22:51 GMT -5
not really - when I used to go to they gym I'd go straight from work - with make up on. but okay - bright red fresh lipstick and heavy mascara and tons of blush - I'd judge them outside of the gym. who works out with their hair done? doesn't everyone wear a ponytail?
I wear make-up to almost nearly every work out because I work out in the evenings & already had make-up on for the day. It was just brought to my attention that it must mean I'm trying to pick up on guys. 8-D
I judge people with no shirts on and girls on tiny itty bitty sports bra and little tiny shorts. I don't want to see that. It's an air conditioned gym! You're not so hot you have to take off all your clothes.
What's this air conditioned gym you speak of? Our box has no A/C & we often do the work-out outside. I wear spandex shorts, tights or capris usually with a tank. If my stomach was in better shape you can bet your ass I'd wear just a sports bra. I get hot, yo.
It depends - are we talking right after work hours let out? Then no, because I never washed my face before hitting the gym. Someone who has perfectly applied makeup and a cute hairstyle going on? Yes, because if you're working out properly you've done all of that cute work for nothing since it should be gross post-workout.