Holy Shit! I am going in for an induction tonight and it kind of came out of left field so DH and I were not expecting this at all. I will have a baby girl tomorrow sometime.
Baby girl E joined us yesterday at 1350, about 11 hours after the start of my induction. I was started on Pitocin right away as I had been 3/70 for 2 weeks. I was doing alright until about 700am at which point I asked for an epidural, I was 5/90. I ended up having a rare reaction to the epidural and it had to be turned off for a while but I was able to have it restarted eventually. A little before 1, my OB broke my water and I went from 7-10cm in about 10 min and was pushing. I pushed for 45 min, most of which I don't remember because I had been up for a day and a half at that point and was half asleep while pushing. I know from DH there was a lot of concern about her heart rate as she got really bradycardic and ended up having a scalp electrode placed at one point. Anyways, she is here and healthy. 8lbs 5oz and 21.25 in with a full head of red hair! We are so in love! I will post pictures when I get home later today.
Trying for #3; FET 8/18 -- BFN. Leaving things up to chance for now... After three years, three IVFs, and two FETs, we finally have our miracle babIES!