I have a couple-year-old Specialized Echelon. It matches my bike, which is clearly its most important feature, lol:
Actually Calvin does like that it's easy to pick the blue helmet out in races.
It's pretty much the basic, entry level road helmet in Specialized's line. Aside from bigger vents being nice to have in July, I can't really say what I'd like better about a pricier one.
Susie, if you would have said your helmet makes you crazy fast and fit like your picture looks, I'm pretty sure I would go out and buy the same one. Seriously, your leg muscles look awesome in the photo!
As for me, I don't have a fancy helmet so I'm no help. Just one that fits me and does its job.
She's right - you're going so fast eveyone around you is blurry!! My helmet is new but it is a boring-looking beige-ish color. I miss my yellow one.
I am in the market for a new road bike helmet. The one I am using now is a cheepo and it is getting a little embarrassing to wear in tris.
Also, anyone in the DC/NoVa area have a LBS they LOVE?
No helmet recs, but I bought my bike and clipless pedals/shoes from Spokes. Been to locations in Vienna and Alexandria are both are great! I also like Race Pace, but you'll have to venture deep into MD to get to the one in Columbia.