Good morning, ladies! How is everyone doing this week?
Well, it's official, we're having a boy! Still trying to wrap my brain around it since I'm used to having a girl. We're throwing around names... I'm trying to figure out if DH is serious about making his middle name Tiberius (we're not serious Trekkies, but he's a pretty big fan). I think he's pulling my leg, but sometimes he has a really good poker face.
My belly feels huge these days. This second pregnancy makes everything happen faster thing is SO true. I feel like I look 30 weeks already, and I'm barely 22. Oy. I fear for my 38-week belly.
Also, this kid is apparently trying to stand up in my uterus. He's breech right now (according to the A/S from a week ago), and I swear he stretched out and his head was poking out of my belly, and his feet were jammed into my right hip. Ouch.
Woop woop! I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow. I mentioned this on GotP yesterday, but yesterday was the first time I felt the baby with zero doubt that's what I was feeling. This pregnancy has made me hugely gassy, so I have pretty much constant rumbles in my stomach and intestines, so while I'd been feeling something that seemed to be different, it was really hard to be sure. Then yesterday there was one quick, really distinct movement that must've been baby rolling over or something, because it felt like one of my organs tied itself in a knot. lol. Preeetty sure that's not digestion. lol
Also, last weekend I went on a shopping trip in an attempt to find a boob holster, but the biggest cup size I can find anywhere (including nordstrom rack and destination maternity) in my band size is DDD, which I tried on just in hopes that my measurements were wrong, but NO. UGH. Anyway, I found one of the brands I liked on Amazon, and I ordered a few sizes to try, which should get here today. I couldn't wear a sports bra with my clothes today, so I am squeezed into a C cup. It is not supportive, comfortable, or attractive. lol
Oh and apparently my baby shower invitations went out yesterday! Fun times!
Friday - first u/s. We have 2 sacs, one heartbeat. Have to go back next week to determine how many babies, because it may have been too early for the second, or it may have already stopped growing. And because I'm not very observant, I have to get a freckle/mole checked out since I don't remember how dark it was before pregnancy.
Saturday - told my family - very excited, grandchildren 5(&6?) - tons of hand me downs coming our way!
Monday - call from the Dr. that I have hypothyroidism (was fine in July), and need to take medicine on an empty stomach every morning - so I have to wake up at 4am so I can go back to sleep after and I can still have my morning crackers so I don't puke/pass out when I wake up for the day. Also, DH and my blood types don't mesh (me: A-, DH: B+), so we have to determine the babies blood type at my u/s next week so see if I have to get RhIg shots during pregnancy (did I mention how much I hate needles?)
Tuesday - dinner with ILs - told them and while they were very excited, they started asking a million questions that I don't have answers to yet.
Oh, and Morning sickness is pretty much in full swing. I haven't puked yet, but I feel like shit from the time I wake up until about 10am every day. Crystallized ginger and saltines are my new best friends.
Oh goodness! That IS a whirlwind week!! For your thyroid meds -- could you ask how long it has to be since your last meal? Depending on your schedule (and maybe not in first tri, I know I passed out like 3mins after eating my cereal-for-breakfast), I wonder if it would be possible to take it right before bed if you haven't eaten for 4 or 5h rather than doing the 4am wake up.
On the plus side, even if baby is Rh+, there is a chance you won't need an RhIg shot (most places will test you for antibodies against Rh, and you'd only need a shot if you test pos for the antibodies, which is rare unless you've already given birth to an Rh+ baby previously). AND even IF you need it, it's just one shot. So try not to fret!
Booooo for morning sickness. At least it isn't lasting all day and you have a few things to help fight it.
...sorry, I'm kind of a pathological silver-lining-finder. It's a sickness. And it is potentially annoying. Lol. So just ignore me if needed. haha
Thanks FastHands - you are right about all the positives. The fact that I can do blood draws at all is kind of a miracle in itself. When I had a 60+ day cycle last summer they wanted labs before prescribing progesterone, and I was a disaster. Complete meltdown in the waiting room. But now I just get nervous and have to lay down/cover my eyes - no more tears! So I figure I know I have to get TDaP, and once I get through that (I haven't had a shot since I was 5), the RhIg won't be such a big deal (or the flu shot I'll need next fall).
Also, another silver lining - we can find out the sex next week if we want to, since they'll get babies blood (I don't know how that will work if it's twins though).
lol, I was going to say something about how, with all of the blood draws, one little injection will be a piece of cake by that point... but I figured that might focus on the wrong thing. LOL. Nice job working through your fear of needles! I bet it will just get easier and easier.
And hooray for finding out the sex so soon! I know they'd have to know how to differentiate your blood from the babies', so they must be able to tell the babies apart too.
I am 13w5d. Not much going on here, although I am still getting sick daily. Ewww. My next appointment isn't for a few weeks. I hate the anticipation of an appointment. I get so nervous and convince myself that something is wrong. I am ok for like a day after the appointment and then start to freak myself out again.
KaraOrNot, I'm sorry you're still getting sick. I *think* it was at the end of week 14 when things started to feel better for me, so I hope that you are almost through the worst of it!
And the in-between-appointments stage is the worst. I thought I'd feel better after feeling the baby, but for right now it's almost worse. Now that I know s/he's physically strong enough to make hir presence known, I get freaked out that I only feel it like once a day or so. And I convince myself that something's wrong. Oi. My mom, who is an over-the-top worrier, says it's just my initiation into the 24/7 worry that is motherhood. LOL. I pray I'm a bit more laid back than she is, but it cracked me the heck up, especially her tone when she said it. Like "oh, sister, I'm going on 32 years of that worry. I FEEL YOU."
34 weeks today, we have our pre-natal class tonight. I'm feeling rather large and getting quite uncomfortable but I'm still doing well and can't complain. I bought fabric last weekend to sew some baby things so that's the plan for this weekend as well as lots of tidying, cleaning and organizing around our place so I can feel ready for this baby to come.
I'm 27 weeks (well, on Saturday) and everything overall is great. However, my pinched nerve in my thigh is still causing numbness and pain and I've been prescribed physical therapy twice a week. I'm so used to the pain that now that I feel ok just dealing with it for another 3 months. It really does limit me physically, but if my doc, chiropractor, acupuncturist and now physical therapist can't solve it, then I'm just accepting it and moving on.
My other issue is that I have to wear a heart monitor for 30 days due to some palpitations. It's 3 electrodes stuck to my chest that are attached to a sensor I can wear clipped to my pants (doesn't work great with maternity pants) or wear on a lanyard. I also have to keep a special smartphone within 10 feet of me, also on a clip. I look like freakin Vicky from Small Wonder with all these wires and gadgets hanging off me!!
But the baby is moving like crazy which always makes me feel better
Post by andthentherewere10 on Apr 11, 2014 at 10:00am
FastHands you are so supportive! - movement is super exciting. Enjoy it now. At 36 weeks it has become somewhat painful when he jabs my ribs/lungs unexpectedly. We had our shower over the weekend which was exciting. Now I just need to basically buy two things and the baby is good to come (mattress and changing pad). Next week is my spring break so I'll install the carseats and get them inspected and put all the clothes away. bluelikejazz - i hope you get good news when you have a recheck on the growth of the baby/babies. Sorry to the morning sickness ladies - mine didn't go away until solidly 27 weeks. Horrible.
I had another u/s yesterday and both babies looked perfect with heartbeats. I didn't hear them but the RE said they were right on track. So now I go in every 2 weeks thru first trimester - which makes me excited that I don't have to wait a month! I'm 7 weeks today! Oh and my progesterone level was super high so we only do PIO every other night now. Yipee!
Yesterday was also our 4 year anniv so was a good day. H did tell me he was hanging out with one of his friends and told him. I knew he would tell someone eventually and luckily this guy doesn't see our families and H told him that we haven't told anyone yet so to keep quiet. We're both getting more excited. Still scary, but we'll get thru it. I just can't wait to be in 2nd tri and dive into the nursery. It's a spare bedroom now so we have a bed and old desk to get rid of first.
FastHands you are so supportive! - movement is super exciting. Enjoy it now. At 36 weeks it has become somewhat painful when he jabs my ribs/lungs unexpectedly. We had our shower over the weekend which was exciting. Now I just need to basically buy two things and the baby is good to come (mattress and changing pad). Next week is my spring break so I'll install the carseats and get them inspected and put all the clothes away. bluelikejazz - i hope you get good news when you have a recheck on the growth of the baby/babies. Sorry to the morning sickness ladies - mine didn't go away until solidly 27 weeks. Horrible.
LOL my bff is also 36 weeks and said the exact same thing. Her kid is currently breech and is apparently fond of stretching out as much as possible, so she's had foot-in-the-crotch and head-in-the-diaphragm that is making her SUPER uncomfortable. She couldn't figure out exactly what was going on since it was so different than anything she felt with her first pregnancy, but when she had her u/s last week the dr was like "whelp, that explains it!!" lol
Yay for your final details coming together (omg I just had a wedding planning flashback. gag. lol)!!