About 5 weeks ago, I threw out my back. It's an old injury that I reaggrevate every few years. Just to make sure there was nothing terribly wrong, I went to a nonsurgical sports ortho. Xrays showed nothing, and he said it was probably muscular. He gave me some anti-inflammatories and a script for PT. My PT said my hips were a little out of alignment b/c my back was so tight. The alignment issues has been resolved. I've seen my PT 5 times now. She has needled it and done a few other things. It is better than it was but still spasming and painful at times. I've also been doing stretches and tennis balling it on my own. At this point, I'm not convinced that needling will do much more. I've also had a few massage, which have helped for a day or two. I can't keep doing that b/c they are costly.
My back hurts more after I've been sitting. The more active I am, it seems to work itself out. It hurts on the bike almost no matter what I do (I've already taken time off, and it didn't help).
WWH&F do? Usually "give it 3 month" is the best thing for this, but this injury is much more painful than previous ones. Go back to the doctor? Go to another spine doc that specializes in things like this that I have a recommendation for?
I'm not sure what your old injuries were so I'll share what I've done.
In 2006 I rotated my spine, tilted my pelvis (I had a congenital pelvis defect already), fractured L2, several pulled muscles, and a severe concussion. I was immediately put on extremely restricted activity, 3# lift limit, no running, no riding. I got a series of injections to help alleviate swelling and pain around my back and was put in PT to learn how to strengthen my core more to take stress off of my back. I saw my chiro up to 5 days a week, eventually down to once a month. I really think that the chiro did the most benefit in my situation, but I can understand why you aren't comfortable with that.
Massages help for a day or two but don't last. The more active I am the better I feel.
Focus on core work to try to support your back muscles more.
I wish I could be more help, but I have a similar problem. It seems to be if I roll around on the orb ball and try to sleep on my back, that really helps!