Post by darkling_glory on May 15, 2012 7:16:15 GMT -5
My dad and I have very different political opinions. I usually try not to talk to him about it, because I just end up upset.
Today I got one of those forwarded e-mails that seems like it's about democrats and republicans attempting to get along - but in the end it was just a jab at democrats.
Really dad? It's only 7:15 in the morning and I just got off the phone with you less than 30 minutes ago! Then you wonder why I get angry every time you want to talk about politics.
Ugh, I hate those emails and the ones I get from my gma that are along the lines of "you're having a shitty day, but not to worry, it's because God saved you from a massive amount of other bad things happening" ..::side eye:: she knows my religious stand point and sends me these anyway
Post by darkling_glory on May 15, 2012 7:36:27 GMT -5
I have told him repeatedly not to forward me e-mails and he does it anyway. And then he'll foward those stupid e-mails that say "true - go to Snopes!" and I'll go to Snopes and it will be FALSE! So, I'll e-mail him, "hey dad, this is crap. Stop sending it to EVERYONE YOU KNOW" and he'll just do it again.
My mom used to send those to me, as well as those stupid chain letters (you know, forward this to 3 people and have good luck all day, forward it to 50 and have a lifetime of good luck). She's so much smarter than that, too. It got out of hand for a while and I told her if she wants to send me a cartoon (non-religious, non-political) or recipes, that's cool. She can save the other crap for her busy-body friends.
Post by darkling_glory on May 15, 2012 7:52:32 GMT -5
PSU, my dad would forward all the e-mails to his whole address book (which included my mom) and then my mom would again forward them to me! So I was getting the same stupid forward constantly.
My mom eventually stopped doing that, but my dad won't stop. And I swear, some of these e-mails are from like 1999. They are so OLD. Dad! It's 2012! Stop it!
My MIL will forward absolutely anything. She is the reason those "African princes who just need your bank account info to send you a huge deposit!" keep at it.