In our neighborhood there is a fun little pond/wooded area that my beagle loves to explore. There's a great little trail for us to follow (and a couple of nice steep hills for me!).
Anyway a couple of weeks ago we were there and an unleashed dog (with the owner about 50 yards behind) came over and there was a scrum between the dogs - started of course by the unleashed one. Thankfully my guy had no puncture wounds or blood, but he was a little sore around the area near his hind leg for a couple of days.
Since then, we've gone back to the pond area a couple of times. Once with no issue. The last couple of times ee cross the street to get there (he basically runs across the street) we start down the path - and my dog turns and wants out.
Should I try to keep taking him there - maybe slowly go further and further? Or chalk it up to he no longer likes it (and be thankful because it's starting to get buggy now - LOL)?