I'm thankful for my strong healthy body and the things it allows me to do. I'm thankful for my alumni weekend next weekend and looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and having some belly laughs.... And some cocktails:)
I'm thankful for my family. my grandfather passed away early this week after really struggling for his last week. My family all pulled together, planned things for my grandmother, and spent three afternoons/evening just sitting in the front yard of her house, reminiscing about great memories. I'm very fortunate to have a wonderful, loving family.
Thankful for nice weather this weekend. Really want to go for a run on Saturday.
For our friends visiting Saturday night . We are going to grill out, enjoy some drinks and plan our upcoming vacation!
My families' dogs all get along. My parents just got a new dog. Tonight I picked her up for the weekend as my parents are on a work trip. I get my Brother's dog tomorrow so my niece can play in a soccer tournament. Our dog is okay with them at our house. Three dogs is a lot but it is better for everyone!