Post by picksthemusic on May 28, 2014 9:34:30 GMT -5
Good morning, ladies!
How's everyone doing? Any new/exciting things going on in those bellies?
28w4d here, and the time is flying by. I know it'll slow down again once I hit 36 weeks and am counting the days until this peanut gets here. Good thing I have plenty of things to keep me distracted! Let's see... we're headed to my dad's house in Spokane (a 5 hour drive) this weekend, a graduation party for DH's cousin next Saturday, and we're headed to see my grandparents the next day. Luckily the following weekend is free, but I'm sure we'll fill it with something. And then we close on our new house (!!!) on the 18th, but won't get to really move in until the following weekend since my ILs are taking the whole family (ugh, I DON'T want to go!!) to Victoria, BC for a weekend trip. And then we get to slowly move in, clean, get stuff delivered, and then we get to live in our own house!!
I have my OB appointment today, and I'll find out if I have GD or not. Whee! I'm having a bagel this morning in the hopes that I don't have GD. We also have our VBAC consult today, so that'll be fun times. I'm really excited to get the conversation going (we've talked about it in short spurts, but not a long conversation like I anticipate this being) and know all I need to know to hopefully be successful. Still trying to decide if I'll get a doula or not. I know I probably need one, and time is running out to get one on the books... but it's money we don't really have right now, and luckily my hospital and staff are super supportive of VBACs. So... we'll see.
Almost 14 weeks, 2nd tri!! My energy is starting to come back but my boobs have started growing. I'm starting to show too. Which I kind of love but I'm ok with it taking it's sweet time
No appointment or anything this week. Next Friday I meet with my OB for the first time. I haven't seen him since last summer when I did treatment so excited to talk to him and start having regular appointments. I think he's planning to do an ultrasound which I will gladly take. I've been feeling some stretching so I'm curious how much they've grown.
Oh and Nurse from RE office called yesterday and said results from NT Scan were normal. I wasn't too worried until that morning so it was nice to hear. This weekend will be cleaning mode and taking stuff to Goodwill as next weekend we are going to paint the nursery. I picked up the paint already and so excited to get started!
Also - last weekend we had a cook out with MIL's family. EVERYONE keeps asking if twins run in my family. When I got home I broke down to my mom. She didn't really have sympathy since we did IF treatment and she always felt I should be open about it but I'm not. I just hate being asked over and over. I just keep saying "yes there are twins in my family but this was still a surprise". Maybe now people will stop but it just became too much being asked 10 times in a row. I haven't been emotional at all so far but I think I hit my limit that day.
32 wks. Starting to get really uncomfortable. The good news is that baby is packing on a healthy amount of weight and the concern for IUGR has abated. At this week's growth scan the sonographer was finally able to get some decent 3D pictures.
Post by luv2rn4fun on May 28, 2014 15:53:25 GMT -5
Not much going on this week. DH and I took an extra long weekend, we left mid-day on Friday (I was off, DH worked from home) and came home yesterday. We are home this weekend and then pretty much gone the rest of June, weekend-wise. We have a baby shower on June 7th and will stay with my dad until June 8th (it's about 2 hours away and close to them). The following two weekends are our road trip and the last weekend is my brother's wedding and my birthday! Mixed in with all this we also have Father's Day, my step mom and brother's birthday, and 2 doctors appointments! June is going to be crazy good!
Our next appointment is next Thursday and I cannot wait! I feel like we will be so close to second trimester and finally able to fully breathe. I am planning to F announce after my 15 wk appt and found a cute idea: "Trading in silent nights for a bundle of joy" (since I am due mid-Dec I thought it would be cute to do something Christmas themed). I still haven't decided when to announce to the rest of my co-workers and would like to try to wait until after our 15 wk appointment but doubt I can get away with that as I'm already starting to show (I was fit/small to begin with). I will for sure wait until after next week's appointment though.
Our baby boy was born May 25! I ended up with a c-section about 37 hours after my water broke as labour wasn't progressing because he has a very big head and was 9lbs4oz! At that point I joust wanted him here safe and sound. I can't figure out how to post pics from mobile but I'll try to get on a real computer and upload a pic.
I had my first OB appt yesterday. It went fine and I got to hear the heartbeat, but I was disappointed not to get an u/s. I got spoiled with the RE, getting an ultrasound every two weeks I was very happy to hear a strong heartbeat though. My anatomy scan is three weeks from tomorrow (6/19). I can't wait to see the baby again and find out if it's a boy or girl, and of course make sure it's healthy. My birthday is four days later, so a healthy baby would be the best birthday present ever!
I'm definitely showing, but I still feel like I just look pudgy. None my pants zip anymore, so my bella bands have gotten lots of use, and maxi skirts are my new BFF. I have some maternity clothes, but feel like it's still a little early to bust those out.
I'm 31 weeks. Ahhhhh! I spent this week organizing DD's old baby clothes- sorting into piles based on size, cleanliness (some things had yellowish stains just from aging or maybe moisture that got in where I stored them?) and gender- and started to wash them today. I am surprised at my ability to store pieces I didn't even like or use the first time around, like the "I'm with the MILF" onesie that someone gave us as a gag gift.
I still need to tackle the piles of boxes in our storage unit that may or may not have treasures in them like baby carriers, a diaper bag, changing table topper, etc.
I just realized I posted in last week's check in so I'm C&P it here:
9+ weeks. Had some lab work done today that I'm waiting on results for, particularly the TSH (apparently I have subclinical Hashimoto's thyroiditis) and the progesterone.
I go back in next week for another OB visit and US and to find out if I'm going to be sticking with my current OB or switching. She was planning to retire from the OB part of her practice on Dec 1st and my due date is Dec 28th. She's actually considering postponing her retirement for a few weeks so she can deliver my babies. So sweet.
We go on vacation next Friday with my in laws. We want to wait until our NT scan and materniT21 test (scheduled for the day after we get back from vacation) to tell our families that it's twins but I'm sure that in a week of hanging out, one of us will let it slip.
Post by thatgirl2478 on May 30, 2014 9:12:14 GMT -5
20/21 ish weeks here. Doing well - starting to feel baby Hannah every day now. I think DH will be able to feel her soon too.
I go back in a few days for a regular exam, and then back to the MFM Dr in early August for another Level 3 US of baby Hannah's kidney. For those who didn't see my post in GP, she has hydronephrosis of her right kidney, which means that the urine isn't draining properly and it's causing the kidney not to develop. There's nothing they can do now, but the early Aug scan will tell us if they are going to do anything post birth.
21 weeks today and I haven't puked all week! I have another u/s on Monday (2nd anatomy scan, as they didn't get all the measurements during the first one), so I am excited to see the baby again. Oh, and I am 10% sure that I felt movement. Nothing for sure or consistent, but exciting!