Thursday I had an appointment for an NST/BP check/ultrasound and while my BP was high the midwife let me go home to wait for the results of my 24hr urine catch. The second we pulled into the driveway I had a call from one of the midwives saying they had discussed it and felt it was best to get the baby out sooner than later. So we had two hours to pack and get to the hospital…
Thursday night they wanted to start with cytotec because my cervix was high and closed but I was having tons of little contractions so we had to stop those then start the cytotec. By Friday morning there was very little change so the midwife on duty decided to insert a foley catheter to see if that would work. It helped me dilate to about a 3 in 12 hours, so they decided to try oral cytotec Friday evening which did…nothing…Saturday they tried Pitocin but even with it turned way up I could barely feel contractions also my IV infiltrated so who knows how much Pit I was getting. Sunday they tried a different kind of Foley catheter with Pitocin which got things going and I was feeling excited until my blood pressure went way way up so they turned it down and made me lay in bed all night. Monday morning I was dilated to a 5 but the midwife on duty wanted to send me home. She consulted with their OB and he said no because I’d had the two catheters but to give us the day off. They removed my new IV (the nurse had put it in the back of my hand right where your wrist bends…it is still bruised today) and let me go outside/wear real clothes and they got me a real bed. I felt like a prisoner on furlough…
Tuesday the OB (who I had seen during my ectopic and the start of this pregnancy) broke my water and we started Pitocin. I started having contractions immediately but they couldn’t pick them up on the monitors (turns out it was broken) so they didn’t believe me when I showed them that my app said they were coming every minute thirty…so for about 5 hours I had contractions that close and then the midwife finally asked them to change the monitors and boom…there were my contractions…at that point I was at a 7 and labor started getting really intense. After a few hours I decided to try the tub which REALLY helped except my contractions started coming 30 seconds apart and I started puking. The midwife was really excited because she assumed I was in transition…when she checked me after a couple hours in the tub I was *still* at a 7. At that point I was exhausted and defeated. The midwife said they needed to insert some catheter to check how strong my contractions were and I asked for an epidural first. Once inserted my blood pressure plummeted and baby started struggling which meant pit got turned off and I got blood pressure medicine a few times. My bp stabilized by about 5am so they turned the pit back on (at which point I realized my epidural was doing nothing) and about 6am I told the nurse I needed to push. She said “yeah okay I’ll let the midwife know …” as if she didn’t believe me. When the midwife checked me she said “omg you’re complete! You can push now or wait an hour and push then” I decided to wait an hour and rest…but the minute she walked out of the room my body started pushing anyways so she came back. Two hours later the new midwife came on duty so mine said she would be back with her after she had caught her up…then she watched me push again and said on second thought I am staying and about two pushes later he was here! I was absolutely SHOCKED that he was a he…I was certain I was having a girl All the doctors and nurses were in their morning meeting and when they were told I’d FINALLY given birth…vaginally…everyone started cheering. LOL. Apparently we had been the water cooler talk for the week.
Whew…that was long… if you made it this far congrats! Here are some pics as your prize…
After such a long, crazy labor, I'm surprised and happy for you that you were able to deliver vaginally. He's so cute!
ETA: I also had an IV in my hand and it *may* have been the most uncomfortable part of the whole process. I had a weird bump for at least a week after and thought it broke off in my skin or something, but it eventually went away.
See? See? Didn't I tell ya? You were so patient and it sounds like your doctors were supportive. You said the epi had worn off? Wasn't the pushing such a good feeling bc it's like after everything you went through this was the thing you could have control and power over. Congrats!!! I got teary reading it.
alias everyone is surprised I didn't end up needing a c section. The midwife who delivered baby lefty is actually a high school friend and she said that she was certain they would be taking me in in the morning and that she was shocked when I said I needed to push.
ilovebed pushing was the most...useful? feeling. Like shit was getting done lol. A lot of the time I couldn't control it, my body just started doing it and I was along for the ride. I was afraid I'd chicken out once it started to hurt/burn but I wanted that kid out!
I'm not sure it was that the epi wore off so much as it never worked. The front of my thighs were numb and part of my belly and that's it. So weird.
jennlin they fit great I was worried when I first saw them that they would be too small or only fit for a very short time but this little peanut is going to get some good use out of them They are B's faves. He won't use anything else lol.
jennlin they fit great I was worried when I first saw them that they would be too small or only fit for a very short time but this little peanut is going to get some good use out of them They are B's faves. He won't use anything else lol.
happy they are working out for you!! yay! post lots of bum pics please!
Reading it just made me anxious for you!!! even though its over. He is adorable! Can I come snuggle him?!?!?! I love babies...and I wont make him into a skinsuit!!!