So after talking a bunch, it looks like DH and I are going to TTC slightly sooner than we thought....
I had my gyno appt yesterday. She wants me to start taking pre-natals and weaning off one of the meds I'm on that's bad for pregnancy (apparently the withdrawal process from it can be kind of a pain). I have an iud right now, and she also said that we should plan on taking that out ~1-2 months before we want to start.
I think the current plan is that as soon as my current job craziness/unpredictability is more stable/I'm making a steady solid income again that we'll start (so probably ideally fall-ish?).
Other than the meds, anything I should be thinking about? We're some of the first of our friends to start (and first in our family) so I'm pretty lost...
Well to me it sounds like you have the base of it covered. Prenatals are great to take even if you are not pregnant so def start those. Besides that just enjoy the process of ttc, don't stress over it as it doesn't help, and drink the booze lol Also on a serious point maybe start putting money aside for baby, either baby stuff (furniture, diapers and what not) or money aside for medical bills and just rainy day fund for baby.
I would start tracking on FF, even if you don't temp, to get familiar with your cycle. It helped a lot. Read up on how to get pregnant, meaning how long Soren live, best days of your cycle to TTC, etc. I found it surprising how little I knew.
And, yes, budget, save, plan, etc.
And sleep. If you are successful, you won't be doing much sleeping did a long time.
And, from personal experience, I would consider reading books or going to counseling or having some serious discussions about both of your expectations post-baby. Who will be responsible for what, what will your roles be, how will you deal with all The new stress, etc. I like Baby Makws Three.
I went off birth control but didn't want to get pregnant until like 4 months later. So I agree with Spun's suggestion to start temping. Your cycles will probably be all over the place at first, but at least you'll know when to avoid so you don't get pg sooner than you want to.
I didn't see Taking Charge of Your Fertility mentioned here yet, but if you're not familiar with temping nor much about reproduction (I wasn't), it's a great resource. Bonus it will also tell you how to avoid getting pregnant before you're ready (hopefully).
Save as much as you can, but otherwise enjoy the process of getting KU!
And, from personal experience, I would consider reading books or going to counseling or having some serious discussions about both of your expectations post-baby. Who will be responsible for what, what will your roles be, how will you deal with all The new stress, etc. I like Baby Makws Three.
great advice--
i think talking about who will feed/change/bathe for one..but also who will pick up the slack for laundry, dishes, groceries, etc.
Thanks guys this is all super helpful. Going to read the fertility book (spunbutterfly you are so right on the type a ness ) and check out fertility friend. Also like the idea of the baby fund, would probably be worth writing up a starting budget and adding that in every month to see how things feel.
This is so weird to think about. I was so firmly in the I want kids MAYBE and DEFINITELY NOT NOW, and then after my concussion it was like a switch flipped and it felt like the time.
And, from personal experience, I would consider reading books or going to counseling or having some serious discussions about both of your expectations post-baby. Who will be responsible for what, what will your roles be, how will you deal with all The new stress, etc. I like Baby Makws Three.
great advice--
i think talking about who will feed/change/bathe for one..but also who will pick up the slack for laundry, dishes, groceries, etc.
this is a really good idea. We actually have marital counseling sessions covered through work every year, might not be bad to use those too.
And luckily DH is totally on board, he's been ready for a few years now .
playing soccer (almost 3 weeks ago at this point). because I had one in high school, it was pretty severe (major neurological symptoms, put me out of commission completely for like 2 weeks, and even now my memory is pretty shot).
playing soccer (almost 3 weeks ago at this point). because I had one in high school, it was pretty severe (major neurological symptoms, put me out of commission completely for like 2 weeks, and even now my memory is pretty shot).
playing soccer (almost 3 weeks ago at this point). because I had one in high school, it was pretty severe (major neurological symptoms, put me out of commission completely for like 2 weeks, and even now my memory is pretty shot).
Oh my! Will your memory eventually return completely? Are you able to work?
It's nuts how that switch works. Then no matter how much your brain tells you to wait you just can shake it