I could have titled this "why is my right boob gimpy?" because seriously! I pump after he eats and get 2-4oz from the left side and .5-1.5 oz from the right side. Am I normal...okay don't answer that...anyone else experience this?
I always had one gimpy boob. At this point I can't remember if it was the right or the left, since I don't pump anymore and G only nurses at bedtime or early in the morning when she's sleepy. Anyway, I could temporarily encourage the lackluster producer by having G start more nursing sessions on that boob than the other. Then they would even out and I'd go back to equal nursing on both sides. Then the cycle would repeat. So yeah, if you consider me normal (hahaha) then you're not the only one!
Post by picksthemusic on Aug 7, 2014 18:11:55 GMT -5
Righty was always my big producer, and Lefty was always disappointing.
You are TOTALLY normal.
ETA: Have you thought about taking a breastmilk supplement? There are a ton out there, but maybe start with Mother's Milk tea and see if that makes a difference? There's fenugreek (but that can make baby gassy), goat's rue, and you can even rub essential oils like fennel and basil on your boobs (DoTerra or another reputable EO source) a few times a day to increase production if you're concerned about it.
Had the same problem. My right boob has always been my bigger boob and even with milk production it does better than my left. Now my boobs are so off in size proportions it's not even funny.