Post by starburst604 on Sept 16, 2014 6:57:11 GMT -5
I think I might have had an instance of pregnant brain this morning. I was boiling water for my tea and getting my travel mug ready. My teabag jar was empty and my H was emptying the dishwasher and in the way of the cabinet where there's more teabags. I shoo him out of my way because dammit I'm trying to get out of the house on time! Grab a teabag and pour the water, stir with a spoon and oops! There's 2 teabags in there. So I take one out and go back to stirring and oh look at that, there's STILL two teabags. Yup, I managed to put THREE teabags in the mug with no recollection. Guess I subconsciously wanted a stronger cup of tea?
haha! I bet it was some good tea! I've been having trouble focusing at work. I think it might be part preg-brain, but it's also a lot of just overall anxiety about the pregnancy that has me distracted. Ugh!