If you feel like you’re feeding the sugar dragon by eating fruit, I would definitely consider limiting it to 1-2 servings per day. Also, I suggest eating those servings within the context of a full meal and not as a snack by itself. Finally, focus on lower-sugar fruits like berries.
I posted about this recently. I have the same feeling as you about the fruit sugar. I decided to limit my fruit to two servings a day and to only eating fruit with meals, not as a separate snack.
I wouldn't do this while also doing a Whole 30, but you could try the 21 day sugar detox. Julie Bauer did one a while back. paleomg.com/21-day-sugar-detox-results/
Diane Sanfilippo is the creator of the 21DSD and she is my homegirl. I love Diane so hard.