From your singleton pregnancy? I have one son he's 2 and my pregnancy with him was pretty easy and uneventful. I know everyone's pregnancies are different but would love to hear how your pregnancies differered.
I'm around 8 weeks pregnant with twins. (According to my lmp I would be almost 9 weeks but I was measuring behind at my first untrasound and was not yet given a due date so not sure how far along I'm considered.)
Post by demandypants on Jan 2, 2015 15:42:52 GMT -5
I am 36 weeks into my twin pregnancy. It was a lot different than my first, 7 years ago. But not in any unusual ways. I was less tired and less nauseous this time. Last time I was pretty mean to dh and that didn't happen this time as much I have had more monitoring this time but both pregnancies have been pretty uneventful. Now all that being said I am crabby and feel trapped in a neverending third trimester, but it should be over soon.
My DD was 3.5 and I was 41 when I got PG with my boys. I had an uneventful pregnancy with DD other than some symphysis discomfort the last month and a half.
With the boys I had pretty bad indigestion and reflux/esophagitis in the first tri and then my reflux got worse as it progressed. Then as I ventured into 3rd tri and my belly grew, I had a lot of back pain and shortness of breath. I started wearing a maternity belt around 30 weeks I think. I only gained 27 lbs and my boys were 7#1 and 6#3 so I was mostly baby belly.
Singleton: Exercised for nearly the entire pregnancy pretty uneventful pregnancy overall no gestational diabetes delivered at 38w1d after spontaneous labor. C section due to breach presentation.
Twins: Braxton hicks started around 13 weeks. No working out. Very near complete separation of pubic symphasis. Gestational diabetes pre term labor at 32w6d.spent a week on hospital bedrest Continued contracting at least 4 times an hour for the next 4 weeks until I delivered at 36w4d after spontaneous labor kicked back into active labor. I was essentially on bedrest during these weeks. VBAC
Post by ninjabridemom on Jan 20, 2015 14:09:52 GMT -5
I haven't had a singleton pregnancy but twins are innately high risk. So get used to that.
Do your twins share a placenta? That would make it higher risk. Sharing a sac, highest risk.
Mine shared a placenta and starting at 12wk I got growth ultrasounds every 2 weeks. I delivered at 37w2d, induced with pre-e, and had a vaginal delivery (17 total hrs, 5hrs of pushing). Split my pelvis (pubis whatever) in delivery.
Some things to note: All tests will be less accurate with two, other than invasive genetic tests (I got an amnio). Some doctors do bedrest preemtpively but fewer and fewer. I would not stay w a doctor who does bedrest preemptively, personally. You want a high-risk OB or MFM, or (like I had) an OB/high risk team or a midwife/high risk team. I think a specialist at least in consult is a good idea.