Post by trafficgirl on Jan 6, 2015 15:52:18 GMT -5
Congrats on making it through the first year!
Our just turned one almost two months ago. They're both walking pretty well now (L slightly better than H) and are starting to play better by themselves/with each other.
They're also definitely developing opinions and expressing their wants/needs. Not always in the way I'd like (whining, crying, etc).
I'm still waiting for a language burst from them. Right now they just say "mamamama" and "dadada". H did say some semblance of "blub blub blub" when I read the pout pout fish book the other day. I guess that's something?
Mine just barely turned one too! They are starting to stand, and can "walk" with help from us, furniture, walkers or whatever else they can! They are starting to interact with each other so much. The other day they were playing chase and squealing the whole time. I'm also starting to see the beginnings of tantrums. Yay! Haha. They also love to chat to each other for a good 30-60 minutes in the morning, to hopefully I don't jinx it because it's awesome. Mine babble a ton too. Do you count "dadada" and "mamama" as their first words? We haven't because they say it all the time, not at anything yet, so we decided it isn't a "real" word. Or are we being too literal? Haha. I think they may be saying bye bye and so big in their own way though. Who knows! Clearly they are our first kids! I am loving this age though, they get more and more entertaining every day!
Do you count "dadada" and "mamama" as their first words?
I don't. Sometimes they just babble "mamama" and sometimes they say "mama" and look right at me, so I think they know what it means. But I still don't really count it as their first word.
Though now I'm wondering if I should count H's first word as "blub" since that's what he's clearly saying when I read the book!
Mine are 16 months and things keep getting better. I think they get that I'm mamma and DH Is dada but they do sometimes use the words interchangeably. They do have some words they use correctly though. Like nana for bananas, they've been using that for months. They started walking at 13 months and are practically walking now. They are finally playing together instead of ignoring each other all the time. Last week I got a video of them dancing together, it's pretty much my favorite thing ever.
Baby proof, baby proof, baby proof! That's my only advice! I had twins when my son was 16 months, and the twins started walking at 9.5 months and 11 months, so its been crazy here for awhile. The girls are almost 17 months now and my son is a little over 2.5. Everything is mounted to the walls, because they like to pull and try to climb on everything.
I was so happy to reach one year! Everyone told me things got so much easier at one year, and they did.
I had one average walker - she walked right at one. And one really late walker. He didn't start until almost 17 months. We did a lot of baby proofing, but they weren't the type to get into things like outlets.
Let's see...transitioning out of bottles was pretty easy, but it took us a while to find the right sippy cups. Sleep got better around 16 months. DS was a really early riser for a long time.
Post by macchiatto on Jan 29, 2015 17:34:54 GMT -5
I loved age 1!! Especially 12-18 months; it was just so fun watching them gradually learn how to walk and talk. Mine started walking at 14m and almost 16m and both started talking right at 15m. Adjusting to table foods, dropping bottles and going from formula to milk were all a little tricky to figure out but we got through it. We dropped bottles cold-turkey and went to straw cups. They kept up with 2 naps till 19-20 months. Transitioning to one nap took a few weeks but after that it was nice having longer stretches for outings.
We had to baby proof like crazy at that age, too. They both started walking right around their first birthday, and one had been trying to climb out of baby gates for three months at that point. She's tall, and could open doors by 13 months. We put those soft Robeez (sp?) shoes on her so she couldn't get her toes in the holes of the super play yard, and had to buy extra tall gates for our stairs and doorways.
Post by cinnamoncox on Feb 20, 2015 12:30:29 GMT -5
We had those XL super gate things a few together to make a rather large play area that I knew was safe so I could go to the bathroom if I had to, or run a load of laundry etc. If I was leaving the area for longer than a bathroom break, I'd remove any toys that A could use to hit K with, because she loved to do that for awhile there.
I also had a pack and play set up for if I had to separate them for any reason.