I'm working on my capstone project for my master's, as some of you are aware, and I need to survey the teachers in my district. The asst. superintendent and I agreed it would be best to have teachers fill it out on paper in staff mtgs. vs. electronic because if I just email it out, people will never get it back and there's little accountability.
So today the staff at my school were supposed to fill it out at the end of the mtg. and return it before leaving. Apparently it was just given to them and they were told to put it in my mailbox by tomorrow (I was at a different school during this time presenting to them).
We'll see how many of these I get back. If I don't get enough for a valid sample I will be RAGEY! I just feel like my school should be the most supportive of my project because they know me, but it's an uphill battle. Sigh.