PRAASA stands for: Alcoholics Anonymous Pacific Region Assembly.
For those of you in recovery from alcoholism (or love someone who is an alcoholic), I'm having the most amazing time here. I just heard an impassioned plea from a transgender member of our fellowship about developing an AA pamphlet aimed at those transgenders or non-conforming gender alcoholics. He talked about the discrimination and fear WITHIN AA meetings. He said he wished he could be at all meetings to help the transgender to get sober and into recovery, but he can't. BUT he said...he can't be everywhere, but AA literature can be!
It was quite a moving speech. He got a standing ovation!!
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny
I gave the presentation yesterday afternoon. I was the first presenter for the conference so I got it out of the way so I could enjoy myself today. lol
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny
I got goosebumps while he spoke. When he finished and sat down he hugged extensively. I wanted to run up there and hug him myself but there was already a huge "hugging" line. lol
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny