and WOW, I guess I thought it was going to be smooth sailing but there are still a TON of meds. I was excited but now I am dreading it. I have the next couple weeks to get into the right mindset. I'm scared of the Lupron which I take in a couple weeks. I also have to prepare for bedrest. DH is disabled, and DS is a wild 3 year old. So I'm going to have to ask for help, but my mom and MIL didn't know anything was in the works.... Any advice or positive thoughts are appreciated!
Good thoughts for you! I don't have advice, but I do have a crazy three year old. My thoughts are with you! Time to marshal your troops and tell whomever can help.
Love of my life baby boy born 11/11. One and done not by choice; 3 years of TTC yielded 4 MMC and 2 CPs, through 4 IUIs and 2 IVFs. Focusing on making the world a better place instead...and running.
Glad you got the schedule and have a plan. I don't have advice since I've never done an FET, but I feel you on the crazy 3yo! Could you find a babysitter or send to a daycare for awhile if you don't want to tell anyone? We've even had an old coworker watch DS for retrieval, she was totally understanding and DS loved playing with her girls.
I just wanted to pop over and say I did Lupron with both my IVFs and I don't think its too bad. Its a super tiny needle, I never felt the med during the injection, and I really had no side effects from it. Good luck with your cycle!
As for the Lupron, I did think to burned while it was going in. The needle going in was fine, it's tiny, but pushing the plunger makes it burn. I would push it down super slow and take a few second breaks if it was burning too much. Icing your stomach ahead of time kind of helps, as does leaving it at room temperature for 30 min or so after mixing. Really you kind of get used to it, though.
Thanks everyone! I think I'll be more and more excited the closer it is, because duh, I'd love to get pregnant next month! I can't believe some of the days i will be taking 6/7 different meds. Eek!
Thank you @g22 for making me feel better about the Lupron That's what i want to hear. Lol
Good luck. I did the antagonist protocol for IVF so I was nervous about taking Lupron. I was on it for a month; it overlapped with BCPs, then three days of just lupron, and then the estrogen patches. I didn't have any side effects. My RE said that it usually happens when you're just taking Lupron. How much bed rest does your clinic recommend? My RE is adamant that it doesn't do any good so they she just recommends taking it easy the day of transfer, which I had to do because I was groggy from Valium, but then to go about normal life after that. Once the Valium wore off, I cared for DS as normal. The embryo implanted. It was a c/p, but I think that was just something wrong with the embryo, nothing I did. So if you're comfortable, you might just need to find care for the transfer and several hours afterward.
satsuma on my calendar is shows the day of, and the day after for bedrest. I am thinking i will tell my mom and ask her to keep it to herself. I might also need help with my PIO injections, and it might be easier to ask her than to do them myself. Sorry about your chemical, i had a loss after my fresh IVF cycle. I know how hard that was
Thanks to everyone that responded You ladies are awesome!
good luck! I've done Lupron throughout my various IF treatments and it wasn't that bad. It was the first shot I ever did so initially I was pretty scared, but I adapted quickly.
Love of my life baby boy born 11/11. One and done not by choice; 3 years of TTC yielded 4 MMC and 2 CPs, through 4 IUIs and 2 IVFs. Focusing on making the world a better place instead...and running.
kdogg, how are you doing with the prep for your FET? Wanted to check in with you! I hope all is well.
Thank you so much for thinking of me! I took my last bcp this past weekend. Went into the office to get my Lupron shot last week. The shot was no big deal and so far the side effects haven't been too bad. The hot flashes are legit though. I have a break for a couple weeks before I start my other meds. So it's turned into another waiting game. Transfer day is set for April 24th
Love of my life baby boy born 11/11. One and done not by choice; 3 years of TTC yielded 4 MMC and 2 CPs, through 4 IUIs and 2 IVFs. Focusing on making the world a better place instead...and running.