Fet #1 resulted in a chemical pregnancy. I was hoping we could do a rollover cycle but my beta is not 0 and I'm already bleeding. I'll have to start over from the beginning with BCPs and Lupron. Realistically the soonest we can do another transfer will be this summer. On the other hand, it may be best to take a break since it's been so up and down with "yay, we're going to have a baby" to "nope." And my insurance will only cover so many estrogen patches at a time so it should be cheaper to hold off. I just really hate that I need to think about these things vs just have more sex next month. We just had friends announce their pregnancy. It was something along the lines of how unprotected sex really does lead to pregnancy
I'm so sorry - especially about the chemical pregnancy, but also about having to hold off a cycle or two it's so hard when you want something so bad and you are benched
I'm so sorry for your loss! I hate that feeling of having to start at square one again. You just feel so defeated. Lots of hugs and positive thoughts coming your way.