I work in marketing and host many dinners for customers that are drink fests. Happy to report I survived my first one sober last night and it was not too bad! I did not need my alcohol crutch to chat up docs and no one asked me why I was not drinking. I have a bad cold so people may have assumed that is why i am not drinking but who cares. Score one for me.
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny
Thanks everyone! After I posted though I was thinking that I am probably somewhat in a pink cloud state right now. I still need to get to a meeting!
All in all, things that seemed unmanageable and required a drink don't seems so bad anymore, but I have still had moments where I almost drink. So I see the reality that I need to try to get to a meeting next week when I get home.