Executive Director - my boss Assistant Director - me Associate - A Part Time Associate - B Vacant Full Time Associate - C
Before me the Assistant Director position included all of Position C as well. But when the AD left they split the job so that the two major streams of revenue were divided. Having the division of duties has worked wonders! Our numbers are higher than ever and we each focus on what we really like.
But now Position C is vacant. And it has been for over 6 weeks. The job is yet to be posted. I just had a conversation with the CEO (because my boss is out so it's a good time to chat) and apparently the powers that be want to re-merge my position with Position C.
Pros: More $ for me (hopefully), it would officially make me a supervisor which is good for my resume.
Cons: I really don't feel our #s will be as high if the positions are combined, I can do Position C but I don't really like it.
I think I'll play the lotto tonight in the hopes that maybe I'll be able to quit my job in the morning
I think they would like to make Position C into a part-time sort of admin assistant position. If I can hand off some of my more time-consuming data entry and event projects than I like the idea of an admin assistant.
I think they would like to make Position C into a part-time sort of admin assistant position. If I can hand off some of my more time-consuming data entry and event projects than I like the idea of an admin assistant.