Im a regular on MMM and post once in a while on GP. I've been lurking here for a little bit.
Here's a little about my history:
I have one DD, who will be 2 in July.
I had one m/c before her, but otherwise, my pregnancy with her with uneventful. I did have to have a c/s because she was breech.
We've been trying for #2 since last summer. I've been pregnant 4 times since then and have lost all of them pretty early on. (between 5-8 weeks).
My OB then referred me to the RE and my first RE appt was a few weeks ago. Since that appointment, I've had the CD3 bloodwork done and all was normal. My blood clotting bloodwork all came back fine. I have some gut issues as well, and thought maybe celiac could be a possibility, but in the past couple months I started seeing a GI doc as well and have had an endoscopy, a colonoscopy and lots of bloodwork for celiac, and it all came back normal.
I just had an HSG this morning and everything there was completely normal. No blockages at all and everything was the right shape and size.
A couple months ago I had an ultrasound done to check my lining and that was all normal as well.
I also had the RPL panel done back in January after my 3rd loss, but that was all normal as well.
For this 4th pregnancy I had that ended in March, I was put on a regimen of a daily baby aspirin, extra folic acid, and progesterone starting when I got my BFP, yet it still ended after a week.
I am waiting on the results of some chromosomal bloodwork that I got done a week ago. And I also just had blood taken for some genetic testing today. So I guess we will just see what those say.
DH has to get an SA done with DNA fragmentation. We were kind of waiting for the results of all my tests first before we did his, because the DNA fragmentation part isn't covered by insurance, so we wanted to see if the problem was on my end first. But he'll probably get that done soon, as all my stuff is coming back normal.
If they can't figure anything out, I guess we'll just try again later this summer, but I'm not sure how many more losses I can handle!
Hi and welcome! We've chatted on GP, but wanted to say again how sorry I am for your losses. It's heartbreaking to go through, especially multiple times. I'm so sorry that they couldn't find anything so far to explain why it's happening.
This group is newer and not really hopping, but we are very active over on TTTC, so feel free to join there as well!
Love of my life baby boy born 11/11. One and done not by choice; 3 years of TTC yielded 4 MMC and 2 CPs, through 4 IUIs and 2 IVFs. Focusing on making the world a better place instead...and running.