TL/DR: Clients never showed up for a 2 hour call at 5am that they insisted was urgent because they 1. made a last minut conflicting appointment and the other was sleeping.
I just have to vent really quick. We have a super super high maintenance client who is sort of a pro bono project. Before I got on board their retainer was vastly under scoped and they are a nonprofit with little money. The company has sent a precendce with them now and we're really being taken advantage of. I'm working on a solution for this in the long-term. They are also fully aware that they use us and abuse us. So that's the background.
The client INSISTED that she needed to have an urgent meeting with us because she, per usual, didn't get her shit done and needed our help/advice. She asked for a two hour inperson meeting. The only time avaialbe was 8amEST for our team. Half of us are on the west coast so it's 5am for us. She knows this. I don't mind getting up early for clients if needed. It's part of the terriority. So this is four people on the call. We get onthe call. Her and her coworker don't join. We text them. No response. 15 minutes into it we tell them we are ending the call. 30 mintues after it was supposed to start secondary client chimes in that she made an appointment so she can't make the call, but primary client should be joining. WTF?
An hour later, so it's now 9amEST, primary client texts that she's soooooo sorry, but she was so tired that she forget to press send on a text about rescheduling. OMG! Essentially they thought it was no big deal to just reschedule a two hour 8am meeting with a super hefty agenda an hour before.
The RAGE I feel is undescrible. I've told them we don't have any further avaialbility this week. Which is sort of a lie. This is not the first time this has happened (once I rescheduled my weekend to work on a document that was URGENT and then never heard from them until the following Tuesday. I followed up like crazy).
Noooooooooope. I think this would be the last straw for me. Meetings before your usual business hours is an additional fee. No show? Additional fee.
Working flat-fee for a non-profit? Look at how long that contract was supposed to last and find a way to set a termination date on that project/term. And then sign a new contract with more reasonable financing and penalties for being an asshole.
Oh totally agree @bigtowlittletoe! We're a little bit in a rock and a hard place because we do currently need their retainer to stay afloat. So I'm agressively bringing in new clients to get us out of this position. Small biz start up company issues for the win. Uggggg