Post by dreamsofdesign on Aug 21, 2012 21:53:58 GMT -5
How many DPO do you generally wait to test?
This is my first cycle temping/charting (TTC#2 since October) and I'm trying to decide when to give it a go since I actually know my ovulation date. I have seen the chart of percentages for pregnancy tests, so I know the odds, I am just curious how long you personally wait to take a test.
BTW, I will be 15 DPO tomorrow. Since it's my first cycle charting, FF tells me to wait until 18DPO.
Depends, if I suddenly have all kinds of symptoms I've never had, I might go as early as 10DPO, but never multiple days in a row (and just the cheapie internet tests) I would start testing every day from 14 DPO, as my luteal phase is like clockwork 13 days (ovulation may shift a day or 2, but on 14DPO AF shows up.)
Post by thoseareradishes on Aug 22, 2012 8:14:26 GMT -5
This is only our third month of trying, but so far I've only POAS once, just for sh!ts and giggles. I wait until my period is due- I'm scared of knowing about a chemical pregnancy, I'd rather things run their course without me knowing if that is what is going to happen.
I tested WAY too often last month (like starting at 6DPO) and will definitely wait longer this time, probably closer to 9–10DPO, since my LP last month was 11.
This is our first cycle TTC and I'm not going to allow myself to get crazy. My period was do yesterday/today. I think I'm going to wait til Saturday. It's tempting to test today... but I really just want to get myself into that obsessive mindset.
Also, H is out of town until tomorrow night and if I POAS and it was a BFP... I'd go NUTS having to wait til tomorrow night to tell him.
This is our first cycle TTC and I'm not going to allow myself to get crazy. My period was do yesterday/today. I think I'm going to wait til Saturday. It's tempting to test today... but I really just want to get myself into that obsessive mindset.
Also, H is out of town until tomorrow night and if I POAS and it was a BFP... I'd go NUTS having to wait til tomorrow night to tell him.
I didn't know you were TTC!!! Good luck!
What are you symptoms (if any)? How long have you been charting?
This is our first cycle TTC and I'm not going to allow myself to get crazy. My period was do yesterday/today. I think I'm going to wait til Saturday. It's tempting to test today... but I really just want to get myself into that obsessive mindset.
Also, H is out of town until tomorrow night and if I POAS and it was a BFP... I'd go NUTS having to wait til tomorrow night to tell him.
I didn't know you were TTC!!! Good luck!
What are you symptoms (if any)? How long have you been charting?
We're not charting (yet). I just know myself and don't want to get obsessive for as long as possible. If we're going for awhile and nothing is happening, then I'll definitely start to chart. But for now, I'm just getting used to the whole idea and don't want to put something more on my plate (if that makes sense).
If it's wondfos, 13dpo. I wouldn't use a real test until 17 or 18.
I thought wondfos were less sensitive than "real" tests?
I don't know about the sensitivity, but they're a heck of a lot cheaper so I don't mind "wasting" them early. For a real test, I might as well wait for AF to be late. Plenty of people have gotten positives at at least 13DPO with wondfos.
What are you symptoms (if any)? How long have you been charting?
We're not charting (yet). I just know myself and don't want to get obsessive for as long as possible. If we're going for awhile and nothing is happening, then I'll definitely start to chart. But for now, I'm just getting used to the whole idea and don't want to put something more on my plate (if that makes sense).
I charted for almost a year and drove DH and myself crazy. Therefore, no more charting, however I do have a pretty good understanding of what's going on now, and thankfully I am super regular.
It's a brand of test strips you can buy in bulk on Amazon. They have OPK/Preg test bundles. Way cheaper than even the dollar store tests, if you're going to be testing a lot.