I mean really. Da fuq? I'm not even asking, or expecting, anyone to take sides. I'm not deleting my posts. I'm not trying to come on and defend myself via inputs from various aes. I have no other logins. I've been transparent as possible, from the start. I wish no ill will toward Booby. That isn't my style. I didn't try and pot stir for sympathy at any point in this epic exchange , or create a dramatic plot. I haven't been contacting people off board, other than what's stated in the thread above, and an explanation of a FB delete, to a close IRL friend. I try to avoid drama on here, and IRL. Lord almighty, why is this still about me? That is deeply fucked up.
You very clearly stated that when people IRL fucked with you, you had the power and used it to have them fired, arrested, etc..... That is a very specific threat IMO. I would provide "receipts" but they were deleted. I know I'm not the only one that remembers that.
Okay, I haven't read this thread since it was only like six or nine pages long (yay for being sick and volunteering at school and trying to get the baby blanket made for the preemie born two months early and art docenting and shit but if this hasn't been addressed in any subsequent pages...
THIS SHIT NEEDS TO STOP RIGHT NOW! Because this is absolute bullshit. If she did say that (and she did) she was driven to it by extreme measures of micro-aggression, aggression and downright bullying. Like this right here. So this right here needs to stop. I'm getting aggravated and pissed for Kirkette just reading the past ten pages trying to catch up (and sorry for not liking the posts I like but it's two days later, folks). I'm clicking post because I've got to pick up the granddaughter and will continue to read after I get back.
ETA: Her friend's mom is going to drop her off now instead so I'm reading again. Glad to see the next page was people backing up Kirkette, as it should have happened. I didn't take names but I hope it was board-wide support. Now back off to read.
Eh, I agree with tamb. Nothing against you, yfm or Ellie, but you both primarily members of CEP- a board that crucified booby. I'm NOT saying that the words that were said to and about her were uncalled for, but I can see why she would be lacking trust for anyone that was affiliated with CEP after what had happened (the email, assuming it's real, which I have no idea about).
That being said, if it had been me and my word was doubted, I would have sent it to a friend on here- someone that I and others trusted to confirm that it had happened as I said.
except she felt no concern going to them to just delete things on her word. Y4m already said she asked for this from others, in past. Why would booby get preferential treatment?
Hmmm, the theory is on the tip of my tongue. It's like a white light at the end of the tunnel. Kind of like a white light bulb just waiting to light up.
Oh I'm not talking about concern over you having her real name. Am I really the only one here who wouldn't share a work email in this situation? I know we all dick around here on the company time, which is bad enough, but I feel like sharing work emails is on another level.
At my last job, sending emails from work accounts to personal accounts was blocked and you could be fired for taking screenshots or having your cell outside the break room/lobby. We dealt with other people's financial information.
I have no dog in the defending booby case, but the fact she didn't provide receipts does not shock me.
This thread is crazy. I can't believe the trolls came in after kirtkette.
except she felt no concern going to them to just delete things on her word. Y4m already said she asked for this from others, in past. Why would booby get preferential treatment?
Hmmm, the theory is on the tip of my tongue. It's like a white light at the end of the tunnel. Kind of like a white light bulb just waiting to light up.