There's a "What to Expect Before You're Expecting" that goes into how to get pregnant (understanding your cycle, how to chart, timing intercourse, foods to eat, etc). It's basically a rehash of high school sex ed, plus some extra. It's probably good for someone just starting out on trying to conceive. If they've hit any infertility hurdles, then this info is probably stuff they already know.
It's a fear mongering book, so I'd avoid it. Unless you think it would be fun to watch them freak out daily that either they are dying, or something is seriously wrong with the baby. I hated that book!
I disagree with this. However, I prefer the Mayo Clinic Pregnancy book and it also has a section in the beginning about before you actually get pregnant. How about Taking Charge of Your Fertility? That's supposed to be a great book on learning your cycles and getting pregnant. I was in a gift exchange with some pretty close friends and I drew a girl that was TTC and she had a pregnancy journal on her wishlist. Depending on the person, I'd go for it.
I agree with statler, I would not buy a pregnancy book for someone who is TTC unless they asked for it.
Good point. I did figure infertility might be an issue, but they're both women so there are TWO of them and thought the odds just made sense. But, I will...give a gift certificate!