My boss comes back today. He's been out for two weeks do to an injury. During his absence there was that whole 'job merger' crisis. And there was the meeting between the board of directors and my department. Oh and the executive director informed me that my boss doesn't think I like him. This should be a fun week
Sorry it has sucked so far. Hopefully, the week will get better!
Apparently my boss has gone to the ED and said that my body language shows him I don't like him and that I think his ideas are stupid. lol! He has talked about how he used to teach classes about reading body language so I watch mine around him. I really do. And I've never been anything but nice to the guy. Even though I think he does not know the basics of our field I have treated him with respect. Personally I think he wants a reason to shop out my job. He's definitely someone who holds men in greater esteem and doesn't like women who might challenge his knowledge. I've been in this field longer than him and I think he realizes I know that he lacks some basic skills.
But now he's injured, the board called him on his lack of job performance, and he's beginning to see that like it or not he needs me. Not to have an ego, but if I left this place would be fucked. We're still suffering from loss the of coworker who was here 8 years and had the most institutional knowledge. If he loses me then he has a part-time person who is great at her job but does not know our database, nor has an interest in it, and a full time person who knows the database but nothing about our field.
If I didn't potentially need the benefits I might be sending my resume out. But I like what we stand for and the organization overall is amazing. It's just the new boss is not a fit for this place, we (the dept) said that during the interview process, but they still hired him. This road has been more than bumpy and I don't see it getting better until it gets a bit worse.
The ED, the boss, and the HR director just met for the last hour+. Something has to trickle down the line sooner or later. I just hope it's sooner so we can deal with this shit and move on.