Prep Day wasn't too bad. I tried different variations of "mixer" to go with Miralax. The Gatorade and even plain water went down well, but the Crystal Light lemonade was NASTY! I felt like hurling with that concoction. I just had a couple glasses of it, then switched to Gatorade.
The only hard part about the procedure this morning was WAITING over an hour for the nurse to take me to the procedure room. The rest of it was a breeze.
In the recovery room there was a BIG dude in the bed next to me. Apparently he warranted a police presence because he was kind of rowdy. That was VERY entertaining. lol
Thank you for asking about me. I'm a bit tired but I'm at home chilling out. : )
"Why would you ruin perfectly good peanuts by adding candy corn? That's like saying hey, I have these awesome nachos, guess I better add some dryer lint." - Nonny