I think I need to rent a stroller for our trip. L will be almost 5 but I sure don't want to have to carry him... Am I correct I should rent one? We are at pop for a week... If so who do I rent through and how far in advance? Also if I want food delivered (snacks) who do I do that through and how far in advance?
Yes you should. I'd get a city mini from orlando stroller rentals. orlandostrollerrentals dot com
I order from we go shop for groceries but a lot of people like garden grocer, too. I like we go shop b/c I pick the exact item I want, make up my own list not select from theirs. I pay a service fee but no mark up on food, garden grocer has a mark up on food but not a service fee - IIRC.
I thought my 5 year old could handle it without a stroller but half way through the week I caved and bought an umbrella one in the gift ship, cost $40.