And oh what a happy one it is. It's been a rough week in some ways - health insurance nonsense for mom, I had a hard time sleeping, babyniq was a pill the first half of the week - but things are looking up the morning after a good night's sleep and a relatively polite toddler morning.
Also, if you are not on MMM you might not now that MSNIQ IS PREGNANT!
I'm going to the M's game tonight, hopefully it's a better game than last night's. It is also supposed to be a fireworks/sing-a-long night after the game... but with thundershowers predicted, who knows
Left work before 3 yesterday with a headache that was trying to become a migraine and decided it was best to leave while I was still able to drive. I went to bed where I stayed until H got home with some dinner. Didn't sleep well and can tell my neck is all jacked up so more headaches will be on the way. I took the bus in to work this morning and the guy who sat next to me smelled really nice And it was a fragrance that didn't bother me, which is really unusual. I took the bus because...I get to spend the weekend with my best friend! Leaving work early and hopping on light rail to the airport to fly down to Medford. I'm soooo excited to see her.
Morning all. Just got finished paying bills. I am so proud of the way we handled this unemployment stint but I am so happy to get back to to work on Monday.
**Plugging my pole studio again** Open House tonight - Ladies only- 8pm. PM me for deets if you want to come. I probably won't dance, but it will still be fun. Refreshments are provided
Need to get a photo guest book ordered for my sister's grad party next Saturday. ecchh...
Today is my free day. i planned on staying home but the girl were just itching to leave for some reason. now we are back and I'm ready for a nap but need to get some cleaning and a work out done. Someone come do it for me so I can nap
Overslept Ran to Costco to get blood strips Tried to shop Got home, dropped eggs on driveway Dog headbutted me while trying to clean up eggs Rushed into work and forgot my jacket
But I am here now my blood sugar has been normal every single time I have tested it so I am hoping the dr will be like meh maybe test 2x a day instead of 4 I am going to run out of places to poke my fingers