of being able to book a DVC studio at AKL about 8 months out? Hopefully we're going to WDW the middle of May. Pricewise, the studios at AKL are in our budget through DVC rental store, although it sounds unlikely that we will be able to get one. Since we would have to take DD out of school for a week I don't want to make any plans before school starts and I can talk to her teacher, so I have to wait until September. Do you think we'd have a shot, or should I give up the dream?
Why do you think you need to talk to her teacher before you book? I would look up the school district's policy on unexcused & excused absences & possibly call or email the principal for clarification and then I'd make your vacation plans. But, I have no issue pulling kids out of school for vacation and pulled my kindergartener our for a week a month into the school year - her teacher found out after school started and it was no big deal.
They are not one of the most popular resorts so I doubt you would have any issues (compared to Boardwalk, monorail resorts, or Beach Club). We booked at 7 months out no problem for a 2-bedroom.
awesome! If I follow through with this I'll probably have a million questions. I'm sure all of the questions I ask have already been answered, but I get a little neurotic.
If you rent through DVC rental store you can give up to 4 resort preferences. OKW and Saratoga Springs are priced similarly to AKL, so at the very least you could put those as second and third choices. I've rented twice through DVC rental and got my first choice at 7 months out both times (BLT and AKL). My sister also for a studio at AKL at 7 months out no problem.
AKL is pretty large, I'd think chances of getting a studio are good. We booked one for last fall at about 6 months out, so at 8 months I suspect you'll be fine.