I loved this episode. Chris Chibnall is a witty writer and I liked seeing that. Best parts were clearly Rory and his Dad. The look on Rory's face when Brian said that he just had his "balls" was the funniest thing. Loved it. I felt like Rory got some good material this episode too, overall. And Amy's bit about being a queen and her "I'm easily worth two men" was fab.
But the undertones (well not so much under) were a bit darker and definitely pointing to the end of the Ponds. Which isn't surprising because we all know it's coming. The Doctor/Amy exchange ("You'll be there til the end of me" "or vise versa" ) gave me a little chill. If one of the Ponds die, I will be inconsolable. There hasn't been a companion death in the "new" seasons. Not even RTD killed anyone off. So I suspect that it's coming. But I so hope it doesn't.
Overall, I liked this episode. It was fun. I'm wondering if it provided more than I realized - just with a short season I'm surprised when things don't directly address an arc.
The one thing I was most surprised about was how directly involved the doctor was in killing the guy at the end. I mean, yes, the Doctor has killed people, usually indirectly. But he basically did it this time; surprisingly dark.
And inconsolable probably doesn't begin to describe how I'll feel. And I agree - I loved the queen line and worth two men (its my gchat status lol).
There were more little things. Amy and Rory didn't jump into another adventure, they wanted to return home. Which surprised the Doctor. I wonder if that's the Pond's trying to work on their things even though it's been 10 months. Then there was that look that the Doctor gave the Ponds when they were standing in the TARDIS while Brian was looking at the earth.
Yes, this was perhaps the closest he's been to the actually killing, with this doctor at least.
I admit, I noticed those too, but I guess just since I already "know" they are leaving I didn't consider it a mystery - which isn't fair of course, because there is a lot to explore in their exit.
And angry letters to write to Moffatt if a hair on their heads is hurt.
The not jumping to another adventure did seem weird -especially after Amy complained his visits were spacing out more and more.