I'm trying to kick H out so I can get housework done. I love him but cannot get housework done when he is home. It's like he just goes right behind me and makes a new mess. His friend is up from Florida so I'm trying to get him to meet up with him. H's birthday is Wednesday so I may try to make a cake for him too today.
It is snowing here today. I am in the mood to do Christmassy stuff, but we have so much unpacking and laundry to do, plus grocery shopping and decluttering the kitchen counters and stuff. Ugh.
No fun here with still sick husband and baby. I'm ready to scream. He did finally start antibiotics last night but then wanted to be all cuddly and in my business while he had a blazing fever. Eww. Get your sick breath away from me. Your thousand degree fevered body and greasy bed hair is not sexy (I didn't say that, just thought it). The baby has basically been crying for three whole days and only stops if I nurse her. Including all freaking night long. My son is jealous of me holding her the whole time so he keeps climbing on my face saying "hiiiii mommy, do you love me? Read to me! Make me pancakes". No children, just get away. I'm sick of being touched. I haven't showered since Thursday. I just want to shower, go get coffee, and hide. They can find some other mom because I am tapped out.
DH goes back to work tomorrow so although we both want to be lazy we are going to try and get some stuff done today so the house is in better shape.
I have a huge pile of boxes of Christmas presents I ordered online that I haven't opened yet. I need to go through everything, check inventory, and see who we have left to shop for. Getting close to done!
We're hanging out at my parent's until we leave for the birthday party. We've been doing a lot of Amazon shopping lately.. but hey, we're getting some good deals, lol. We've gotten gifts but also stuff for us we need. Why not?
I am exhausted. I did a big grocery shopping this morning, made dinner and an extra tray for the freezer, cleaned all 4 bathrooms, swept and mopped, changed all the sheets, and did several loads of laundry. It feels good to be productive though!
I worked all day! But now have a cold Not your fathers root beer and some yummy thanksgiving leftovers (we celebrated on Friday). I have tomorrow off so I will do a few chores tonight so I can craft all day tomorrow
My Reflux is still now t giving me a brake! Urg. I am going to ask my OB on Tuesday if I can get something stronger. I was Diagnosed with GERD as a child and normally I can control it without meds but now not so much. I just hate taking another med.
On the good news DH finished the bathroom floors today. Yay! So tomorrow the baseboards go it, the toilet, vanity and shower can all finish being installed as well. I should have a bathroom in 2-3 days max!!