We are currently on the road. We've been on the road since 3am. We have to stop on our way to drop a light off to a Rescue Squad in Virginia. Then we are going to go to 7 wineries, plan to anyways lol. He's going to buy me lots of wine, yay! We plan to stop overnight and continue to Florida in the morning. Sometime this weekend we have to finish Christmas shopping. H wants to go to an outlet mall. He's even going to buy me a few things for myself since we have some extra cash.
Um, possibly getting 5+ inches of snow tonight, having to drive to the lab for bloodwork mice and early Saturday in the unplowed streets, then a super cold below freezing day Sunday.
Other than leaving the house Sat morning for bloodwork and hitting the one grocery store I'll pass on the way home, we plan on hibernating.
We are in a bitter chill right now and I'm just planning to take it easy this weekend while we all continue to recover from sickness. We got a new sectional yesterday, but opted for the smaller size without the additional seat. Of course now that it's here, H and I think we should have gotten the bigger one so I'm trying to track down a single seat for delivery before Christmas.
I have to make a ton of buttercrunch this weekend because my cookie swap is next week.
I got so much cleaning done last night. My boss never lets us go early...but because another department did it, she got inspired. Yay for getting everything clean!
**Kid Stuff Ahead** I get a call from daycare yesterday. Apparently, L was playing with one of those walkers. She LOVES the one we have at home. She'll go back and forth on it for hours. Apparently, something tripped her up and she fell face first onto it. She scratched up her right eye pretty bad I KNOW she cried so hard and I wasn't there. Poor baby was hurting so bad when I came to get her. Her eye is pretty blood shot too. They were so apologetic. I know accidents happen too. I just hate that she got hurt. PLUS, it's a little over 48 hours until her birthday party and she's all scratched up
Blue Moon - Are you guys feeling any better? I think I'm PRETTY darn close to being good....after a week!
I'm not feeling good. I've been getting cold chills and hot flashes for a few days now. Totally can be hormonal but I also have a terrible headache I can't shake. C has a stuffy nose and was up every hour the first half of the night. My longest stretch of sleep was from 3-5am. I'm completely exhausted and just worn down.
Also, DH lost his job this week. We went over finances and should be okay but it's causing additional stress. Hoping this is a blessing in disguise because DH was very unhappy where he was. It's been a long few days
I found out a few minutes ago that my grandma was diagnosed with Lymes Disease. I am really sad and worried for her. I don't really know what this prognosis means but she already has leukemia so it can't be too good.
bk1 huge hugs. I'm so sorry. I hope he finds a great, better fit soon.
Tomorrow is cooking baking day for me, it will probably be an all day affair. The weather is supposed to be a crappy wintry mix turned rain so it will be a great day to be inside. I'm going to make some dough tonight but hopefully get all the baking done tomorrow, if not I'll finish up on Sunday. I also have to make pie on Sunday for DH to take to work on Monday for his office bake-off.
Sunday I think I'm going to take advantage of DH being home and go out by myself for a bit. I need to pick up my contacts but can't think of anything else - I'm done Christmas shopping and have zero desire to go to the stores since I'm sure they will be busy. Other than grabbing a coffee somewhere, where can I go? I thought about the library (never been to the one here so might be good to check out) or finally checking out the gym in our complex.
I figured out I have mastitis today. A breast infection with flu like symptoms. I can't catch a break. My mom is picking up antibiotics for me. Thankfully I told my doctor I didn't have insurance so they just called them in. I feel like shit.
Post by estrellita on Dec 16, 2016 11:41:55 GMT -5
We're supposed to get a ton of snow and below zero weather this weekend. I work tomorrow but other than that I'm hoping to stay in my nice warm house cuddled under blankets! Haha
MrsMB, we are almost there, thanks for asking. H is better, and B and I are still hanging on to a few symptoms. So sorry to hear about L and her eye. But I am glad you guys are feeling better.
bk1, hugs all around! Mastitis is the worst, but the antibiotics should help quickly. Prayers your H finds something that is a better fit ASAP.
Post by wanderingenough on Dec 16, 2016 13:20:05 GMT -5
Wow! Hugs all around, ladies!
bk1 - I'm sorry about your H's job. I really hate when companies do stuff like that around the holidays. I know a lot of it has to do with end of the year accounting (if that was the case here), but I have trouble believing that businesses don't know things are in trouble further in advance. Again, really sorry.
MrsMB - i'm so sorry about L's accident! poor baby! i'm sure she was shaken up. hopefully some rest and cuddles tonight do the trick and she is fresh for her party this weekend. post pics!
today after work is cleaning and grocery shopping. my in-laws come into town tomorrow (just for the night) to do christmas. i'm going to do a baked ziti and my SIL is bringing salad and dessert. hopefully everyone is on their best behavior -- and i don't mean the kids!
My SS package is ready to be mailed out, just waiting on the car to be finished at the shop! Hopefully it's done soon so I can go out and run a bunch of errands!!
I worked 430-1030 this morning, now I'm ready for a nap but there is too much to do getting ready to leave for WI next week!
MrsMB- hope L recovers fast..poor girl 😔 hope the party is a blast regardless- can't believe she is almost 1 and C will be 2!
bk1- ((hugs)) that is a lot going on. Hope the mess work fast and you feel better. Also praying your DH finds a better job that he likes soon! Is he applying everywhere or just locally? Does this change maybe relocating discussions you two were having?
I got a lot of cleaning done this morning in preparation of C's bday party tomorrow! ILs are coming around 10 (we haven't seen them in 11 months so I can't complain about having to spend a day with them but I am not all that excited about it either...always drama and they will act like grandparents of the year LOL). Party starts at 3...just immediate family and DHs aunt/uncle because ILs invited them without asking us (they have to pick grandma up so our house became the meeting place...will be good to see them though!).
My step dad and his wife are coming Sunday morning to celebrate Christmas and C's bday.
HoneySpider- I would go to the library or maybe take a book to Starbucks and relax in the comfy chairs and drink your coffee.
@wamderingenough, & luv2rn4fun- I hope your ILs aren't too bad.
DH and I have been very productive today. -we brought more stuff over from our old place. (Longest move ever!!) -DH help MIL and FIL organize the space under the stairs here so that we could fit everything under there instead of having the stuff overflowing into our area. -DH finished the shower in our bathroom -I unpacked the rest of the boxes we hadn't unpacked yet. And it's only 1pm here.
I just realized my appt tomorrow was for 7:30 am, not the 8:45 that I had been thinking. I just canceled and rescheduled for when I am on winter break. I didn't want to have to get up and go get the car unburried that early!
I have my nephew's birthday party tomorrow. DH is going to stay home and get some alone time (he needs it!). So I plan to hang out with my mom and sisters and E. Working on Sunday, boo.
Hubs and I took our first yoga class tonight. On Friday nights it's free for the rest of the year. I am so excited about this!! I will be taking this ladies classes starting in January. I'm so exited!