Welcome to our board! This is a resource for people who are trying to conceive (TTC). We have regular State of the Ute threads where you can provide updates on your TTC status. Feel free to ask questions, commiserate, and bond with others on the board.
If you get a BFP, please post it in a new thread. This will allow us to celebrate your pregnancy and help those who may be struggling avoid your post if they choose.
If you don’t post here regularly and are pregnant (even if the pee on the stick is barely dry or it is a squinter), please post pregnancy-related questions over on Got Pregnant.
Tips for Trying to Conceive
• If you haven’t started taking a prenatal vitamin, do it now!!! You don’t need an Rx.
• Some of the ladies on this board chart using fertilityfriend.com. Please check that out. FF has amazing tutorials and great FAQs. Even if you’re not charting your temperatures yet, just tracking your cycle days, cervical mucus or Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) is very helpful. If you have charting or temping questions, please check the Fertility Friend frequently asked questions page first. Most of your questions can be easily found there.
• Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF) is a great book that will teach you so much about your body and how it works. You will see if referenced often on GP.
• You can order cheap OPKs online. Many of us use wondflos. When the test line is as dark or darker than the control line, it is considered positive and ovulation will most likely happen within the next 12 to 36 hours. Most ladies test twice a day starting around CD12, once in the morning, once in the afternoon.
• When in doubt, hump it out!
• Cycle Day 1 (CD1) is always the first day of red flow that you need a tampon/pad. If you don’t start your period until the evening, it’s still counted as that day. If your period starts while you are sleeping, you can count CD1 as the next morning. Do your best to be accurate, but it only really matters when you are doing a medicated cycle (and your doctor will likely have specific cut off times).
• You can also buy PreSeed, a sperm-friendly lube.
• Fertile CM is either watery or egg white cm. Watery is literally like water. Eggwhite cm is the most fertile and literally resembles egg whites. It can stretch more then 1-2 inches, but the color doesn’t matter, it could be clear, milky or even have some spotting.
Am I Pregnant?
• It can take your body 6 months to a year to adjust after stopping birth control. If you go 60 days without AF, call your doctor. A doctor can prescribe Provera to jumpstart your cycle again. It can take a healthy couple a year to get pregnant (if you are over 35, you might want to consult with your doctor after 6 months of trying). There is only a 20% chance of getting pregnant each cycle, even when all factors are perfect.
• Below is a HPT accuracy chart. If you test early, be prepared to see a BFN. Remember, you are never out until your period shows. Good luck!
• If you take a HPT and get a faint line, you are pregnant. A line is a line for a HPT as long as you check within the testing timeframe.
• Implantation bleeding does happen for some but can only be determined after you get a positive pregnancy test. If you have spotting, just mark it in your chart and keep your fingers crossed.