So for like the last sixish months I kept having facial flushing, and it's been much worse in the last two or three months. People at work asking if I am having an allergic reaction, there was no rhyme or reason to when it started. I mean it was happening at least 15-20 times a day. Two years ago I had several thyroid nodules that they were watching. Usually not a big deal. So of course me being the awesome nurse that I am self diagnosed myself with thyroid cancer, and then worried about it frequently while simultaneously avoiding the doctor. So I finally told my doc what was going on, did all the tests, and everything's fine.
So guess what I realized last night? I have been using some really serious acids on my face in the last year. BR p50 lotion, a lotion with 10% aha, glycolic peel pads, etc. Not all at once, obviously. I also find myself buying skincare ingredients with niacinamide because I have a lot of PIH. Including but not limited to the manyo factory galactomyces niacinamide essence that I started using in December. Google is telling me it's probably somehow related. I am not sure if I can just change the order of things, or wait times, or if I am just highly sensitive to this. It seems more systemic than topical? I don't just flush after putting something on my face, but randomly all day long for just a minute or so. I don't even know how many of my products have niacinamide, because it tends to be something I like to see on an ingredient list.
Opinions? I can't quite figure out how it's happening. Some research tells me that they use niacinamide to treat rosacea and facial flushing. Seems opposite of my experience, but this has to be it, right?!?!
I had a sort of similar experience. I noticed my face flushing and tingling sometimes in the morning and sometimes at night. I, too, had started a full regimen of products in the past year but had no issues for the first 6ish months. I finally cut everything out and just washed my face every morning and night with a gentle cleanser. I did that for about 2 weeks before adding products back one at time, a few days apart, so I could be sure of what was causing the reaction. It turned out to be AHA. I don't know why I could tolerate it at first and then no longer. The same thing happened to me with benzoyl peroxide which now causes a major allergic reaction.
I would recommend doing something similar to get to the root of the problem.