Anyone already making plans for their extra paycheck in March? I sure am! lol. Coupled with a (hopefully) nice tax refund and H's bonus (we don't know the amount yet, but he got a glowing review) I think March may be amazing for us financially.
*If* all that combined is enough to finish paying off H's student loan, we will do that which would free up 2k per month to throw other places. If it's not enough to pay it all off, I think we will set aside enough for a summer lawn service, set aside enough to take a 6 week Indian Cuisine cooking class (and the babysitting fees needed), and buy some office storage systems.
We are getting a tax refund, though. We always split it three ways: I get 1/3, H gets 1/3, and we use the last 1/3 to do something responsible. This year, we're going to pay off the balance on our fridge (we're making interest free payments right now).
I'm probably going to use my portion to finish up my tattoo sleeve.
amaranth - Next is my red gerbera daisy! After that, a purple pansy. If I have room, I'll add a blue one and a pink one, too. If I don't have room, it'll just be the purple one. That should fill up the rest of my forearm.
I still have some empty space on the inside of my upper arm, but I haven't decided about filling that in. I have an implant right now, which obviously can't be tattooed over, so I've got some time to think about it. Also, it's going to hurt wicked bad so I'm not in a big rush to make a decision. lol.
"Extra" paychecks mean nothing for me, lol. But I will be getting a bonus at the end of Feb and hopefully some sort of refund. My plan for that money is paying off my medical bills, then paying down a big chunk of my lowest student loan. I'm looking forward to less bills!
We will for sure be getting a refund and DH just got a bonus. Not sure about an extra pay check though for March.
But since DH's last day at current job is April 28 (although the COO came and talked to him yesterday and said he would extend it if DH needed to...he wants him to find a good job, not just any job, and even offered to give him a raving reference) we will not be spending any extra money right now.
Also neighbor is wanting to go back to work part time next year when her youngest starts preschool. She sent her resume to the kids school and got a response that they are interested in her for spots right now. I offered to watch her son and was not even thinking about being paid but it was the first response from her. It will likely be 4 hours a couple days a week. I told DH we can use that money for fun stuff for me to do with C and also for our monthly dates (which we don't have the funds for right now). I am both excited and a little nervous...hoping the boys play well together and it means less work overall for me but I am probably being naive in thinking this.
luv2rn4fun - I feel like I've heard that going from 2 kids to 3 kids is not as big of a deal as going from 1 kid to 2 kids. So fingers crossed that it really does make things easier! Or, at least, not harder!
pooh8402 - Did you ever hear back from the place you interviewed for?
I had a second interview 2 days ago. At 9 pm. In my jammies. Over the phone on a conference call with the manager and 2 of the night shift nurses. It was weird, haha.
They said they'll let me know ends of this week or beginning of next week. So I'm hoping to hear something by Wednesday.
luv2rn4fun - I feel like I've heard that going from 2 kids to 3 kids is not as big of a deal as going from 1 kid to 2 kids. So fingers crossed that it really does make things easier! Or, at least, not harder!
As long as it's not harder I will be ok. Even DH commented that neither of us need more stress right now. My biggest concerns are being confined to home when I have all of them. I already know we will be going to their house while L naps (the monitor works inside and outside their house). Both boys are way too noisy and it will just make me anxious because L napping well means better night sleep for all.
luv2rn4fun - I feel like I've heard that going from 2 kids to 3 kids is not as big of a deal as going from 1 kid to 2 kids. So fingers crossed that it really does make things easier! Or, at least, not harder!
As long as it's not harder I will be ok. Even DH commented that neither of us need more stress right now. My biggest concerns are being confined to home when I have all of them. I already know we will be going to their house while L naps (the monitor works inside and outside their house). Both boys are way too noisy and it will just make me anxious because L napping well means better night sleep for all.
When details are more concrete, I recommend phrasing your offer as a 1 semester trial with the option to extend. I am SO glad I did that for my last failed commitment. It gave me an easy, graceful way to say it wasn't a good fit without it being a complete shock.
I'll be getting a $2,200 bonus in March. The plan is to pay off a CC with $1,600 of it and hopefully book plane tickets to meet our new nephew with the rest. H will be getting a bonus of about $7K, but we will save that in case we need that to live on until he finds a job. We'll use a small amount for a certification course and exam he is taking.
I just got my bonus and raise numbers. Very happy with them! The raise is about $1/hr and the bonus is quite a bit more than past years (I'm a higher "level" than I was previously, plus my awesome rating helped). Yay!
Oh I did get a 46 cent raise, which is about as good as it gets in nursing. Woohoo. This is why nurses job hop--to increase their salary beyond 1-2%. I'm *hoping* to get this new job with at least a $4/hour raise (which would still put me just below average for RNs with my level of experience).