I got Katelyn's allergy bracelets in and I'm not sure which will attract enough attention for her teachers and any others to make sure that she doesn't get anything she shouldn't. Her current daycare is excellent on preventing exposure but the fact that parents are packing snacks for the entire class and me not knowing ingredients is causing anxiety. I am requesting her room to be oat free as she reacts to contact and that children need to wash hands before entering. She will only eat snacks I provide and food that I personally approve. I figured she needed a bracelet as she can't verbalize her allergy yet. Which one would cause you to look and not think it is just a bracelet. These are fitted for this year and the metal doesn't twist around. Thanks!
This is my dilemma. I think the pink looks more like a regular bracelet. @lindy I paid extra for the font and black engraving to make it easier to read so I'm glad that worked.
I vote silver. The pink color pops out more, but I also think it would be more likely to be seen as a fashion bracelet.
I'm this exactly. The pink looks more like a regular bracelet that anyone may have. The silver I would do a double take because it looks like a med bracelet.
I think the pink is more attention grabbing, but it's not obvious immediately that it's a medical bracelet. I thought it said "cat allergy" when I read it the first time. The silver is less flashy right off, but the medical sign stands out more so it's clearer from a glance that it's a medical alert bracelet.
The pink stands out more, but I think it might get mistaken for a bracelet. I also like that the silver says severe allergy.
Severe put me over the character limit on that one. I really wanted it but then I didn't want to lose epipen.
You were right because epipen is more important between the two. I mean, I would assume any kid wearing a bracelet saying they had an allergy had a severe one, but i was just thinking the general population might take it more seriously if it said severe.