I got started with seedlings late this year, so I'm hoping they'll be ok. I started tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, and a bunch of herbs. Once the garden is tilled I'm planning spaghetti squash, watermelon, lettuce, bush beans, snap peas, and beets too.I have two square raised beds I'm planning to put in so the boys can each have their own garden with pumpkins, carrots, and melons. Plus my mom started buckets of potatoes with them, so we'll see how that goes. Last year my garden did so-so because we were gone so much and it didn't get watered.
I've expanded this year. I started tomatoes, cukes, asparagus, mint, eggplant, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, and onions from seeds. The main raised planter has 12 heads of different lettuce, 4 heads of broccoli and approximately 20 onions (I have more to go in). I bought 2 raised planters on wheels. The first one has 9 cucumber plants. The other has 12 asparagus plants, 6 tomato plants and basil in the middle. I also have dill and chive that reseeded from last year. I have two planters of mint(peppermint and spearmint), we drink a ton of mint tea. I plan on making a ton of pickles. I have another planter of peppers. I have a ton of self starter pumpkins all of over. The watermelon, cantaloupe, and eggplant seedlings will go out later this year.
I also started marigolds and sweet william from seeds. The front beds are almost completed. I need to do the back beds soon.
This rabbit has made an appearance. It's so fat, I think it's probably a she and full of small rabbits that are going to eat all of the veggies I haven't planted yet because it's still freaking cold here. I'm headed to the garden center on Thursday to get some coyote urine or something.
I also bought some 5 year old blueberry plants of a hardy Michigan variety that will hopefully give me fruit this year and survive the winter. Plus I bought another raspberry plant friend for mine, even though it's self pollinating. And some blackberry plants.
The plants my H put in last year are coming to bloom! Two of them seem dead..? I hope they rebound. I'll post pics later, maybe someone has some ideas.
My hydrangea never came out last summer, i think we over watered. Hopefully they will pop out this year.
Florida is weird. We have had things growing since November! We are currently harvesting tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumbers. We already had one round of carrots and we are growing more. Our watermelon plant has baby watermelons and they are adorable! Tokyo onions are sprouting, and we are going to plant pumpkins too. Our pea plant didn't make it. We also have lots of herbs.
I just put my seedlings in the raised bed about 2 weeks ago. Most of my tomatoes and cucumbers died after the move I still have watermelon, okra, and pumpkins getting big. I bought a container cherry tomato that is doing good. Everything seems to have stopped growing though. I wonder if I need to water it more often or fertilize?
I bought some more weed this weekend, I need to get them planted. This is my first attempt at gardening and it is a lot of fun, but I definitely spent more money than just buying the stuff at the store 😂. C is really into helping me water and check on plants....L not so much.
We added a bunch of bee friendly perennials to the flower garden a couple weeks ago.
I have bush bean and pea seedlings going, but we probably need 2 more weeks before we can put them out in the garden beds. We usually hit up the greenhouse mother's day weekend.