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1. Game of Thrones house: Tyrell 2. Hogwarts House: Pottermore says Ravenclaw, but I think really I'd be in Slytherin3. Wheel of Time Ajah: Haven't read far enough to know4. Hunger Games district: Depends on the fan map, but geographically I'm most likely 7 (lumber).5. Divergent faction: Erudite6. Lord of the Rings species: Elf7. All Souls Trilogy creature: Haven't read this8. Sookie Stackhouse series creature: Shape shifter9. Handmaid's Tale woman: Econowife or Unwoman10. Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices creature: Haven't read far enough to know11. University mastery (Kingkiller chronicles): Haven't read this12. Court (ACoTaR): Haven't read this13. Red Rising Society Color: Green (technology), although lately I'm turning into a Violet (writer)
I don't know if it counts, but what do you think your His Dark Materials daemon's final shape would take? I think a cat for me.