Yay for Friday!!! For the first time in forever I didn't wake up in pain (a little numbness but no pain)! L was up a ton from 2:30 on but I was able to get the most sleep I have had in weeks! We have our date tonight so I hope the boys behave themselves...L is refusing to nap well today so it could be interesting. C took an early nap so he should be nice and ready for an early bedtime!
We are making slow progress on the windows. We finally got the measurements and HOA approval. The company sent the permit packet to me just now so I need to find time to waste at the city (I have been warned 1-1.5 hours...and I have to take the boys with me, fun fun). Likely doing this on Monday.
Our anniversary is tomorrow! Date night tonight, DH has promised sex tomorrow, and we will do an at home dinner/movie date tomorrow night. Not sure if we will try to get out for an adventure to celebrate tomorrow or not.
I hope this will be a normal weekend. DH has a show tomorrow. I really wanted to take L. For months, I planned on some sparkly outfits I could dress her in. I even found something cute for my pregnant self. But, things were so nuts at the wedding I took her to...I just can't expect her to be able to even sit through a few numbers at this point. So, we're going to sit this one out. I'll have 6 months to see if we can go to the one in December. I've got some things to work on anyway while he's out so I didn't ask my parents to come up or anything.
Sunday, I'd LOVE to go to a local splash pade or pick berries. But DH is usually emotionally shot after these showcases. So, we may not end up going. (Despite the fact that his mentors in his new career field are horrible people....and DH is such a talented performer...this is a big reason why he's making the move. These shows drain the heck out of him.
I'm glad your not as sore this morning @luv2run4fun.
MrsMB- how long are each number? Could you go and only watch 1-2 numbers and then entertain her somewhere close by until the end? (A park or something)
@ related, last night was night one of sleep training. It went so much better then expected and nap training today is going well so far. I hope it continues this way. Although hearing her cry is hard.
Hit enter too soon... if the training continues well then it will be great as it will make it easier for me to leave the house in the evenings.
I won a case of wine in my dragon boating raffle fundraiser. And here is a picture krystee of my "box" of wine. Lol
There are 5 whites and 7 reds. I am not a red drinker, is there a way to get into drinking red? Everyone always tells me it's because I've never had a good bottle of red yet. And I know that these wines are popular ones (that's why they were chosen) so they must be good. And DH doesn't like wine but because we won this stuff he wants to try all of them, when in the past he hasn't even wanted to try a sip of mine.
I just left my community pool where I was studying while getting a tan (I was wearing sunscreen but I like a little color. It's one of my only 2 vices). It's nice to get some studying done without too many distractions.
Babysitting an 18mo old all day today and ever since he woke up from his nap he hasn't stopped crying. He was totally fine all morning. I don't understand!
Pedicures with friends in 2 hours though, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Babysitting an 18mo old all day today and ever since he woke up from his nap he hasn't stopped crying. He was totally fine all morning. I don't understand!
Pedicures with friends in 2 hours though, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.
I never liked reds until I tried Malbec, and now I like most reds, but in smaller quantities than whites. Red wine makes me feel very flushed, which I don't like.
My mom only likes red wine with ice cubes in it, which makes her more wine-savvy friends want to cry. But whatever works, I guess!
I am going to open a red with dinner, which one should I open: a merlot/Shiraz blend, a Shiraz, a merlot, Cabernet merlot, a Cabernet Sauvignon, or a blackberry/blueberry red?
awick14 I didn't like reds and still don't really like the super dry ones. I usually try to stick with sweeter reds and/or fruity ones. Or blends (Apothic makes some good cheaper ones). Reds are better for one glass of wine with dinner, I can't drink much more than that of most reds!
Two hours til both boys are in bed and we are out the door for our date! I knew I would be happy for some quality time with DH but even I am surprised at how excited I am for our date!
awick14 awesome win! I'm jealous! I agree with MrsMB. I hated red wine when we began really getting into wine. Then I drank an awesome Pinot Noir and started trying more, now I mainly drink reds.
DH is on his way home from work! I actually get to cook him a homemade meal. I'm actually excited to cook lol.
Sunday is our anniversary so we are going to a large local wine event. I can't wait!
suzv, probably not what you want to hear, but DS didn't nap consistently in his crib until he was a year old. It was hit or miss before that: naps on us, naps in rock n play, etc. Nap routines under a year old are HARD!
Babysitting an 18mo old all day today and ever since he woke up from his nap he hasn't stopped crying. He was totally fine all morning. I don't understand!
Pedicures with friends in 2 hours though, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.
suzv Naps are hard. I had to rock G down completely and hold her. Eventually I started giving her a bottle and putting her in her crib and she would drink it then go to sleep. I know it's not recommended but it worked so I did it. For C I still nurse her to sleep for naps. She will let me put her in the crib once she is asleep.
wineandcheese - I knew there was someone else on WC with a June 11 anniversary! I thought I was going crazy after I found out it wasn't luv2rn4fun. lol.
suzv DS also didn't nap in his crib until close to a year. He would only nap on me or in the car until about 9 months. Then he napped in the swing for a month or two until I could get him to nap in his crib
We spent a ton of time outside today. He took a really good nap, so he's still rolling around in his crib not asleep.
suzv- I have been lucky and able to get both boys to nap on their own starting around 4 months. Not great naps at first but we have really had good naps since 5-6 months old. DS2 is now 8.5 months old and naps 2x. I have found that the key is not having him awake too long, otherwise he fights going down and wakes 20-30 min later. Thankfully he will put himself back to sleep most of the time if that happens.
Nap training is similar to bedtime/MOTN. Let him CIO (with checks or not). Leave him in his crib for an hour, even if he falls asleep and wakes before the hour (actually I believe the hour starts once he is asleep). Consistency is so important.
How many naps is he taking? Is he on any schedule with daycare? How does he nap there? We just switched to 2 naps a month ago and I know some switch earlier and other babies later (9 months or so).
@suvz- I've been doing what luv2rn4fun explained. Bedtime is much easier then naps for sure. The key with naps is to make sure that they are not too tired when you put them down as then they won't be able to fall asleep. I don't have any evidence this works yet as I'm just starting the training. Other then the first nap yesterday I put her in her crib and she was asleep maybe 5 mins later with minimal crying, just talking to herself until she was asleep.