Help! What do I need, realistically, clothing wise for this kid? I'm talking like the first 3 months. After that I'm sure I'll figure it out. But what should I have at home for him when we come home? I felt like I had a ton of clothes but I don't. I currently have: -NB size: -5 kimomo shirts -2 sleepers -3 onesies
You're due in the fall, right? How cool will it be where you are? A was a winter baby and lived exclusively in sleepers for the first 2-3 months. I think I bought about 14 of them in NB - figured on at least one outfit change a day and didn't want to do laundry more than once a week. We would have bought more if she'd been more of a spitter or had more blowouts, but she didn't tend to either.
I've heard other people say not to buy too many things in NB in case you end up with a bigger baby.
You're due in the fall, right? How cool will it be where you are? A was a winter baby and lived exclusively in sleepers for the first 2-3 months. I think I bought about 14 of them in NB - figured on at least one outfit change a day and didn't want to do laundry more than once a week. We would have bought more if she'd been more of a spitter or had more blowouts, but she didn't tend to either.
I've heard other people say not to buy too many things in NB in case you end up with a bigger baby.
Due end of August. It'll be hot for about a month and then turn cold quickly.
Post by thoseareradishes on Jul 7, 2017 18:47:00 GMT -5
I don't have a ton of stuff for E, and so far it's working out okay. I've found that I like onesies the most, with pants if we're going out of the house for appointments, or wrapped in a blanket from her armpits down when we are home. I have a few rompers I like too. She sleeps in a onesie and swaddle blanket thingy (I just picked up a couple more at the consignment shop today, so we have 3 smalls and 2 mediums now). I think we have about 12 onesies, 3 pairs of pants and a couple of pairs of shorts, 3 or 4 rompers, and a handful of fancier outfits (I doubt she will end up wearing these much since they are pain to deal with during diaper changes). She also wears socks every day. When she was in the NICU I had a couple of gowns for her, and honestly found them to be a pain because they were always riding up. Kimonos were a bigger pain then I anticipated too - the buttons were annoying to line up.
I wouldn't get too much in newborn unless you know baby will be small - they grow out of it really fast. I'd stick to mostly 0-3; it might be a little big on him at first but they grow so fast. Since your guy will be needing warmer clothes, I'd get some long sleeve onesies too, and a bunch of zip up or snap sleepers.
I don't have a ton of stuff for E, and so far it's working out okay. I've found that I like onesies the most, with pants if we're going out of the house for appointments, or wrapped in a blanket from her armpits down when we are home. I have a few rompers I like too. She sleeps in a onesie and swaddle blanket thingy (I just picked up a couple more at the consignment shop today, so we have 3 smalls and 2 mediums now). I think we have about 12 onesies, 3 pairs of pants and a couple of pairs of shorts, 3 or 4 rompers, and a handful of fancier outfits (I doubt she will end up wearing these much since they are pain to deal with during diaper changes). She also wears socks every day. When she was in the NICU I had a couple of gowns for her, and honestly found them to be a pain because they were always riding up. Kimonos were a bigger pain then I anticipated too - the buttons were annoying to line up.
I wouldn't get too much in newborn unless you know baby will be small - they grow out of it really fast. I'd stick to mostly 0-3; it might be a little big on him at first but they grow so fast. Since your guy will be needing warmer clothes, I'd get some long sleeve onesies too, and a bunch of zip up or snap sleepers.
Oh yeah, zips for sure. The snaps are a pain in the MOTN when you're trying to wrestle a squirming, shrieking infant back into them after a diaper change.
I would get at least 4 newborn sleepers and about 10 0-3 sleepers. S was in sleepers all day and night for the first 3 months. I barely put her in onesies in pants until 3m. I also bought long sleeve onesies to put under sleepers for night time bc our house gets cold. Also socks!!! Need at least 5 pairs.
Post by swiftlyirun on Jul 7, 2017 21:34:04 GMT -5
I think it depends too on how you plan to have the baby sleep, since that's mostly what they do 😊. L was a Feb baby but we live in the south so weather is relatively mild comparatively.
L was mainly in onesies that had a pants option for the first few months, mainly because we swaddled for every nap in a MOC swaddle. When she was up or needed to go out we would add the pants.
Also +1 to the don't get a ton of small stuff unless you think you'll need it. L was just over 8lbs and 21inches and wore zero of the NB stuff. I also didn't have really any clothes when she was born because we didn't find out the gender. I learned quickly that gender neutral stuff pretty much doesn't exist. All of this to say- if you have Amazon you'll be fine. I ordered stuff when I was up at 2am nursing and really got SO MUCH clothes wise from friends and family after her arrival I didn't need to buy much.
Just FYI: I found Gerber onesies to run ridiculously small- she wore the 0-3month size once.
I mainly did onesies and sleep n plays. A was born in March, and was 8 lb 10 oz. We had brought a newborn outfit to the hospital and it didn't fit. We had a couple newborn outfits that fit, but most of what we wore for the first two months was 0-3. Our favorite brand is Carters.
Oh, and I returned/sold/regifted all the swaddles we were gifted. A hated being swaddled, even in the hospital. So from day one she's slept in a sleeper and halo sleeveless sleepsack. Also, H prefers the zipper sleepers and I prefer the snaps, so we have both.
I mainly did onesies with leg warmers, and sleepers at night. but E was born in July and it's hot here until late October. Even throughout winter though, we did mostly onesies and pants. Ditto zipper sleepers!!!! I loved the snap ones in the NICU because of access to wires, but at home, zipper all the way!
if you do get a ton of NB stuff, don't take the tags off all of it just in case your kid is big. E was average size (7#3 and 19.75"), and wore NB until he was about 6-8 weeks old. He wore 0-3 until he was about 5 months old. He was long and skinny so Carters fit him best. Gerber onesies run really small so I wouldn't get any of those in NB size at all.
DS1 was born in dec and DS2 end of Sept (we live in SoCal so it's cold but not crazy cold, it's also hot end of August). I loved sleepers for both and had probably 5 in each size...some fleece and some cotton. DS1 had reflux but this still seemed to be enough (he also wore onesies). But the first few months were all about sleeper (zipper, no snaps), onesies, no rompers, and lots of swaddles. I love the Halo fleece swaddle...both needed to be swaddled but hated it...this was the one that kept them sleeping the longest...much better than cotton because they could break out of cotton.
Both DS's were small so they used newborn for awhile, DS1 more than DS2. Everyone told me not to buy newborn but I am glad I did. I would buy and keep the tags on so you can return if you need to buy at least you have clothes if LO is small. We actually almost needed preemie for DS1 and he was born at 41w1d (5lbs 15oz but dropped to 5lbs 7.8 oz).
I didn't read all the responses but I loved those sleep sack night gowns for NB (you know those ones that are open at the bottom) much easier for overnight diaper changes & NBs need a lot of overnight changes - I swear my kids would go through 2-3 diapers pooping after each feeding.
And as far as sleepers - definitely the zip up not snaps - i could never get them aligned right.
I liked the reverse zip sleepers. We probably had 10 NB sleepers (he wore for maybe 6-7 weeks), around 4-5 NB pant/onsie outfits. We had a ton of 0-3m clothes.
I didn't read all the responses but I loved those sleep sack night gowns for NB (you know those ones that are open at the bottom) much easier for overnight diaper changes & NBs need a lot of overnight changes - I swear my kids would go through 2-3 diapers pooping after each feeding.
And as far as sleepers - definitely the zip up not snaps - i could never get them aligned right.
I loved those gowns too, up until E started crawling. My grandmother calls them "sweet pea gowns," after the baby from Popeye cartoons.
C was born in November, so he wore lots of sleepers for the first 3 months. This babe is due at the end of August, so I have mostly cotton sleepers and one piece rompers in 0-3 months. Newborns aren't great at regulating their body temp, so unless it's really warm and we'll be outside, I'll probably still put her in a sleeper most days. I would plan on 2-3 outfits a day, thanks to spit-up and blowouts.
Her 3-6 month clothes are about half sleepers and half long sleeve onesie/pant sets since it gets cold here in the winter.
I wish you lived closer. We must have 40 NB/0-3 month onesies and another 20 sleepers (all zip). Plus overalls, shorts, leggings, sleep sacks, tees, etc. This is AFTER we gave away THREE TOTES OF CLOTHING. People were so generous. We know we have way too much even now, but it was all too cute not to keep