Just curious what system or app you guys use to keep track of everything. So far, I've entered everything into my work calendar. I know I should also put in my phone so I know when to add appointments while away from work.
My work and personal calendars are both gmail. They sync with each other and with my phone. I usually just put it in my personal calendar that way I have it at home and on my phone. I will occasionally share it with my work calendar or just add it separately.
I don't suppose it matters since I only share with my boss, and I usually tell him anyway. However, there is a way to share it on your work calendar so it just says busy in case you need the details of the appointment to be private from other co-workers.
I need and use a paper planner. I can't stand when I'm on the phone and can't look at my calendar. Plus I'm awful at entering things in.
In our kitchen I have a dry erase calendar that I put everything on. I hung it where it's visible from the table so we can see it every time we eat and discuss as needed.
Post by freezorburn on Aug 25, 2017 1:21:47 GMT -5
I miss my paper planner -- right there with ya, chickypoo -- I like having it in front of me when I'm on the phone. But it was getting big and heavy to lug around. I didn't mind so much when I probably only needed to be in two different places in a day. I had a Franklin Planner classic size that I loved. Couldn't see myself going any smaller than that. I was using week-per-view pages but found that I needed to keep 6 months to a year in the notebook because something about our lifestyle required planning things way far in advance. It was like lugging a bible around. And not a pocket-size one.
I have an on-again, off-again history with using the calendar on my phone/computer. Right now I'm pretty much stuck with it, because XH and I are using shared iPhone/Mac calendars for all our parenting stuff. We have separate calendars for DS's residential schedule and for his day-to-day schedule. Both of us have the ability to edit those calendars. Then each of us has a work/travel calendar that we share, to the extent those things might impact our parenting time or availability for Facetime or whatever. We also have a calendar for the dog, mostly because I don't have him regularly anymore, so I need the reminder if I'm going to have him, so that I can adjust my schedule accordingly.
Post by mamaturtle on Aug 25, 2017 10:02:38 GMT -5
I am old fashioned and have to write all appointments down.
DH and I use to have a shared calendar on the phone. I just could not keep up with it.
I would do small planners or wallet size calendars that would fit in my purse that I got for free. It was easy to write down every appointment down before trying the shared calendar with DH on the phone.
Now I just write on my big desk calendar at work and our family wall calendar that is in our kitchen. The small planner was getting old as my purses were getting smaller sometimes.
I used the calendars more during summer because DS has tons of therapies privately when he is out of school and DH and I had to make sure he is at the right therapy session at the right place.
I use a paper planner. For the straggler things that get scheduled beyond the current range of my planner (i.e. 1-yr follow-up appointment), I put a post-it note at the end of the planner. When the planner gets expanded to include those straggler events, I add them in at that time then toss the applicable post-it(s). For example (I'll sort of type put how I have the post-its): Aug '18 *Dog2 vet *21st: Appt (Dr. X) 9:30 ::new post-it:: Sept '18 *8th: Suzy Smith & John Doe's wedding
I put it on my calendar, but I keep a daily log where I put all the apt the I have plus the thing the needs to be done at home. I also make a monthly log where I specially put all the main important event the will happen during the month. That's the only way I have been able to get things organized and done. I just the bullet journal method and I use the ring disc binder sistem the you can design it the way you want it. Ten minutes before going to bed I will check my calendar and write the things the need to be done on the next day and I write the things on my kids board for them to know what will happen, and need to be done during their days.