So I can't remember if I said this already but the wheelchair (suggestion from this group) was amazing and O was immediately like a whole different person. Still doesn't like to sit still long but he's so alert and aware. I was thinking maybe his mealtime issues are positional and I'm trying to get a chair for him but I was told it will take 3-4 months and our ins will 99.9% deny it. So I may not get that figured out for a while.
But I'm also not sure if it's just behavioral. He's 100% tube fed and I feed him in his high chair. He's cognitively around 6 months so I get that sitting in a chair doing nothing sucks for him. But anything I give him he throws. He hates things on his tray. I've velcroed his favorite toy down to the tray and he liked it for a day and then was just pissed about it being there. He always wants his iPad (and usually loses his mind til I give it to him) but then he hates all the apps and keeps crying for me to change them. He still has no pincer grasp and poor coordination. He can't get things to his mouth and fine motor skills are not good.
I thought maybe he needed more support, maybe he can't see things well or something (has a visual impairment but it doesn't seem to affect seeing his toys or me from across the room, but I know positions can affect vision) but he sits on the floor unsupported with his iPad and toys and is just fine. So then maybe he just doesn't like being in his chair and not able to move around. But he never fights me when I put him in it. He will even lean towards it at mealtime (and then demand his iPad)
He's still got zero verbal skills and doesn't point or anything. His new thing is grabbing your hand and putting it on what he wants, as long as its right next to him. He won't take you to anything.
Sorry if I'm rambling. I'm trying to give enough info. Has anyone had any issues like this? Suggestions? Thanks in advance
I dont know how old he is, but W is still a thrower and for a long time we had one of those suction cup baby toys on his tray. Ours was a spinning flower with different things on it. We also attached something with those plastic links, or just put a plastic bead necklace around it (we had a looong plastic bead necklace phase) changing out the things on it kept him interested longer i think.
Also thats great that he is communicating what he wants! What about offering choices? So before you sit down you put a buch of different toys in a box and then you offer 2 at a time and encourage him to choose. W's speech therapist is big on giving him choices.
I dont know how old he is, but W is still a thrower and for a long time we had one of those suction cup baby toys on his tray. Ours was a spinning flower with different things on it. We also attached something with those plastic links, or just put a plastic bead necklace around it (we had a looong plastic bead necklace phase) changing out the things on it kept him interested longer i think.
Also thats great that he is communicating what he wants! What about offering choices? So before you sit down you put a buch of different toys in a box and then you offer 2 at a time and encourage him to choose. W's speech therapist is big on giving him choices.
Oh sorry, he's 2. So suction things don't really work because he's strong. But seriously, anything I offer or even play with myself he grabs and throws behind him. He's always been like that.
I just feel like if he doesn't want his most favorite toy there then he won't want any toys there. Plus he can't really play with stuff that involves anything other than hitting so that makes it challenging.
Well W is fickle, so something he loves right now he might hate in 10 minutes, lol. What about sensory play? Like if you put a dollop of applesauce on his tray for him to touch? It could get messy though.
Well W is fickle, so something he loves right now he might hate in 10 minutes, lol. What about sensory play? Like if you put a dollop of applesauce on his tray for him to touch? It could get messy though.
Nope. He will stick his hand in whatever I'm feeding him but if I put it on his tray it's game over lol. I've tried to encourage him to play with it that way but then he just ignores the fact that it's even on him. Or he cries.