We're doing a read-a-thon fundraiser through the PTA at my kids school next month and we were thinking that one of the top prizes should be an e-reader. What is the cheapest but highest quality e-reader out ther? Extra durability is a bonus. We've talked about something like a kindle fire (which our family has), but I'm not sure parents would be ok with us giving a web/app access device to their kid without their permission, versus an e-reader that is just for books. I welcome any and all e-reader for kids thoughts/feedback
I agree with bex, I just upgraded to a paperwhite and while I like the light, it's really not that much better than the basic.
I tend to agree about the Fire. Ultimately, I wouldn't complain about the free-ness of it, but I like something that has a specific function, like reading for the kids.