Update: DH is still a jerk. He has NO idea how much I do with/for the kids and how insane my weeks are. He landed last night while I was at an 8:00 soccer game with DD. I came home to a flooded garage and bathroom. This was my fault, of course, because it wasn't like that when he went upstairs. I need to teach the kids how much toilet paper to use.
This morning he freaked out about boxes in the garage - things like sparkling water. The recycling was full so we have to wait. This is obv just me being lazy with my abundant free time.
DD has a service project to complete that involves collating and stapling. In a cast this will take FOREVER. I'm so stressed.
Post by mustardseed2007 on Oct 6, 2017 9:12:46 GMT -5
DS is still in his montessori school and has been meeting all summer and throughout the school year with his tutor 3x a week in the mornings. I checked in with his teacher and found out that he's greatly improved on his language! Hooray!
Basically, he's still behind, but not as far behind as he was. She also said that transitions between work pieces take much longer for him than his peers, but that's nothing new.
The only weird thing about this whole interaction was that she wanted to "check in" with the administrator before answering my questions...I suspect it's b/c I complained to the administration that I wasn't getting enough info, and now I'm "that mom". I kind of give zero fucks, but it raised my eye brow.
Sounds like your bathroom is going to stay a little cleaner.
...I have a friend who forces her husband to pee sitting down because it’s more sanitary... just had to throw that out there.
At home, DH and DS pee sitting down. That is how DH was taught. I'm fine with it. They both stand and use urinals fine out of the house. Sooooo much better than when I cleaned the bathroom that I shared with my dad and brother.
I see nothing wrong with a man making a decision to sit down to pee. I find it odd that a wife would have any say (or even think she has any say) in how her husband pees though.
Post by judyblume14 on Oct 6, 2017 10:19:30 GMT -5
Granted, there's only one male in my house, but I don't have an issue with pee everywhere. I guess I'm #blessed that my husband's pee lands in the toilet?
Granted, there's only one male in my house, but I don't have an issue with pee everywhere. I guess I'm #blessed that my husband's pee lands in the toilet?
My H wipes down the floor and toilet with a Clorox wipe every time he pees. And he’s teaching DS to do the same thing.
New update: yesterday evening DS peed standing up. But still will not do so in the bathroom with “the toilet with that curved part that squished my penis.” “That curved part” is the seat. Also he will not do it standing up if DH is in the bathroom. We aren’t pressuring him either way. But he’s cracking us up with his explanations.
Granted, there's only one male in my house, but I don't have an issue with pee everywhere. I guess I'm #blessed that my husband's pee lands in the toilet?
We don't have this issue. I mean, we may, but the cleaners come once a week, and if we have this issue, it's not so bad that I notice it in between? I'm sure we'll have this issue as DS gets older.
I just remember being at my friend's house growing up and hearing her mom shouting at her little brother "WE DO NOT PLAY AIRPLANE WITH OUR PENIS WHILE WE'RE PEEING!!!" So basically I'm imagining my bathroom will be covered with urine. (It was nice of her to allow for the fact that maybe he can play airplane with it other times, just not while it's in use.)
Granted, there's only one male in my house, but I don't have an issue with pee everywhere. I guess I'm #blessed that my husband's pee lands in the toilet?
Same - only one male in the house. I think that it's because my MIL made him and his brothers responsible for cleaning the bathrooms when they were growing up. She was the only female in the house, so she decided early on that since she wasn't the one at risk of making the mess, she was not going to be the one to clean it.
We do have some pee issues, but that's DD2's fault. She likes to scoot off the seat before wiping. She's too short to just stand up, but feels that stools are for babies. I keep working with her on that...
Post by traveltheworld on Oct 6, 2017 13:10:12 GMT -5
On the topic of pee - I find it really interesting but have never had the courage to talk about it openly with people in real life: neither DH nor DS (5) has any problems with "spillage" when standing up; so I generally don't get what the issue is. DS pees right into the toilet and never misses. I assume the same for DH. Are other men/boys just intentionally wiggling around??
On the topic of pee - I find it really interesting but have never had the courage to talk about it openly with people in real life: neither DH nor DS (5) has any problems with "spillage" when standing up; so I generally don't get what the issue is. DS pees right into the toilet and never misses. I assume the same for DH. Are other men/boys just intentionally wiggling around??
Same! Very very rarely is there leakage from DS and never from DH. Neither have any full on misses either. Maybe DS has a good teacher....maybe DH's dad was a champion too and the skill gets passed down from generation to generation.
traveltheworld , which oils did you find were not safe for kids? Some are age-dependent.
supertrooper1 , I had to LOL about your coworker getting her cats designated as service animals. WOW.
Mainly eucalyptus. I bought the DoTerra brand and the two oils that I was intending to use on my kids, OnGuard and Breathe, both contain eucalyptus. According to DoTerra's own website, these blends are safe for children (they actually have OnGuard toothpaste specifically for kids) - their rationale being that the concentration levels are low enough to not be dangerous. But of course, the Google universe shows that others have differing opinions. Since there's so little research done in this area, I'm not sure what to believe. I don't mind using it and have it not be effective since that's the risk you take with any alternative medicine, but obviously I don't want to use it if it would actively harm my children.
Eucalyptus is a no-no for kids!? That's what my person told me to use when the kids are sick....I've only put it in a diffuser so far and not directly on the skin but still worried now.
On the topic of pee - I find it really interesting but have never had the courage to talk about it openly with people in real life: neither DH nor DS (5) has any problems with "spillage" when standing up; so I generally don't get what the issue is. DS pees right into the toilet and never misses. I assume the same for DH. Are other men/boys just intentionally wiggling around??
I think some have the tendency to move away before the dripping is done or the shaking has taken place. Then it drips down the front of the bowl or onto the floor in the front of the bowl.
On the topic of pee - I find it really interesting but have never had the courage to talk about it openly with people in real life: neither DH nor DS (5) has any problems with "spillage" when standing up; so I generally don't get what the issue is. DS pees right into the toilet and never misses. I assume the same for DH. Are other men/boys just intentionally wiggling around??
I think some have the tendency to move away before the dripping is done or the shaking has taken place. Then it drips down the front of the bowl or onto the floor in the front of the bowl.
Aim can be a problem with DS when he has a very full bladder. Plus, he's been potty trained for a year now and we STILL have to remind him to point it down. It will be awhile before I encourage standing Save
Mainly eucalyptus. I bought the DoTerra brand and the two oils that I was intending to use on my kids, OnGuard and Breathe, both contain eucalyptus. According to DoTerra's own website, these blends are safe for children (they actually have OnGuard toothpaste specifically for kids) - their rationale being that the concentration levels are low enough to not be dangerous. But of course, the Google universe shows that others have differing opinions. Since there's so little research done in this area, I'm not sure what to believe. I don't mind using it and have it not be effective since that's the risk you take with any alternative medicine, but obviously I don't want to use it if it would actively harm my children.
Eucalyptus is a no-no for kids!? That's what my person told me to use when the kids are sick....I've only put it in a diffuser so far and not directly on the skin but still worried now.
From my 2 days of research - Eucalyptus is great for colds/congestion, hence why it's in a lot of blends that one would use to fight colds and increase immunity. There have been a few reported cases where the ingestion of eucalyptus caused a child's breathing to slow / stop. But it appears that those were cases where the child ingested a substantial amount. Some websites say to avoid the use of eucalyptus (including diffusing) for children under 10 (some say 6). I think if you've used it before and your child didn't have a reaction, you are probably ok - just don't go over-board with how much you use.
The world of essential oils is so confusing. There are no good scientific studies done on effects/benefits, so....