I would send an article about the behavior charts and ask if they would reconsider their approach My district has adopted a culture of care and trauma informed practices so we ask teachers to not use public shaming like clip charts Is this a public school?
Not a teacher, but just want to commiserate. DD's teacher had an elaborate clip system last year and I think it caused her a lot of anxiety. She was fine until she had to move her clip down once and then she started refusing to get out the car, crying in class, and being terrified of having to move her clip. This year her teacher is not doing clips, they have a green, yellow, and red card at their spot on the table and the teacher will put the yellow or red color on top if needed, but the entire class does not know. I find it's working better.
And WTF to the epi pen? Did the student have their own pen on the field trip and the staff not want to use?
racheliz Aren't you in Louisiana, too? Yea it's giving my son a lot of anxiety and he even says he doesn't want to go to school, as well.
The child who had the reaction actually had no history of food allergy. We were in a field trip and we stopped at a seafood restaurant. They let the kids try catfish. About half an hour later we were walking back to school and I noticed a little boy clearly in anaphylaxis ( eyes swollen shut, rhinitis, lips swollen, widespread hives) . The teacher, school nurse and a parent ER nurse would not let me administer my EpiPen ( the reason why I was on this field trip was to be the person who had L's EpiPens).
I would send an article about the behavior charts and ask if they would reconsider their approach My district has adopted a culture of care and trauma informed practices so we ask teachers to not use public shaming like clip charts Is this a public school?
Yes, it is a public school. I'm concerned that because it is the number one district in the state they are not going to want to bend.
Can you point me in the direction of reading more about "culture of care and trauma informed practices"? Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
One book our district started with is called fostering resilient learners. The research on ACES (adverse childhood experiences) and trauma goes across all groups so all districts should technically care! www.321insight.com/trauma
While Louisiana does allow districts to carry epi pen for use undiagnosed reactions, it does not require them to. And if the districts choose to allow it there are a bunch of guidelines the districts must follow. I'm not sure where you are, but it's possible they don't have what they need to have an epi pen designated for that use.
jg183 Maybe I will write the school board about my concerns. This system is school wide so I feel like I'm rolling a boulder up a mountain. I am quite sure they know the repercussions of the current system, but obviously it is less work and works in the present versus a system that require time.
The 2 links you posted are good too. I used them back in the day but now we know better. Maybe these teachers really don't know
When I started about 15 years ago, we all went to a training on traffic light behavior systems. That was the thing everyone did. We all loved it at the time.
Then about 5 years later, we adopted responsive classroom which is fundamentally against systems like that. The entire philosophy we use now is about respect for the student and their privacy. Now I can't believe I ever did a public system like that.